why cant the psychiatrists just get down to our level and discuss our real living problems rather than analysing us all the time?
i wish we could all just talk our troubles away, maybe i need is a psychologist now just while i am stable,
but i wonder why the p/doc dont discuss issues with us when we really need help? even a smile or a there there tap on the back, its going to be ok, i’m going to help you get better and things like that, they never say these things and i am asking myself ‘why’
I think it depends on the psychiatrist, mine is pretty laid back, he can talk about trivial and personal things. Always asks how’s everything.
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My Pdoc and I always talk about our golf games. lol!..
I’ve been on such a good stretch the last 6 months, there isn’t a lot for us to discuss. Our appointments usually only take about 15 minutes…and that’s every 6 weeks.
To Infiniti and Beyond!
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Is the person behind the psychiatrist some times we will get on with them, can work with them and some we just crash with them as people. let them being a psychiatrist does add different levels to talking with them. For me i ran thought six of them ( Not with a sword of knife! LOL ) over two countries and two states before finding one i can just talk with and we get along and she is great for me. 
But i run docs out fast maybe that’s just me 
Ooh the blank stare…The one i disliked was the “umm and mhmm” was he was writing stuff down or looking at a note pad
but! @daydreamer I hope this new one is better for you! and works out Hugs and luck
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thanks, but like for years i would go in and i would try and write things down but i never ever got taken seriously, everything was wrong
me, meds the whole lot, glad things got better after i changed med,
The last time I saw my psych doc he asked me twice if I had been doing drugs. I suppose next time I’ll keep the ‘opened third eye’ and ‘existencial dilemma’ talk on the down low.
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@daydreamer I know that feeling, Go in sit and wait, go in to office have them talk over my head at my family be ignored END get taken home or to the ward ( I basicly did grow up in hospitals ) The whole everything is wrong feelings
new meds the right meds make all the different. So yea i get where you was and im happy new meds helped.
@azteccelt When one of mine asked me that, I answered YES YOU ARE THE ONE GIVING THEM TO ME! he was a unhappy bunnie One more of the “It was a good idea at the time” moves of mine that was clearly not a good idea.
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The world of pharmacueticals. Oh I was laughing at what you said, not at you.
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Lol. Yes, not appropriate conversation for a psychiatrist.
Hahaha. Yeah, I’m too honest with the brain zappers 
I had to go to a psychologist for an avaluation before I was hospitalized during my psychotic break, I thought I was god, and the guy was clearly not capable of handling the case. I just spent the entire time giving him proof of my godliness. And I was conviced I conviced him, but all he said was uhm uhm, okay, yes I understand.
The psychiatrist at the hospital asked me what the meaning of life was.
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Wow. Fascinating. I used to hear this demonic voice a lot, and one time it NEARLY convinced me I was Jesus.
Crazy indeed. Glad you weren’t sucked in. Many of us weren’t that lucky, I was absolutely conviced for years
i know i’m not Jesus thats why i look for the truth, always looking for the truth, always
@Minnii Oh yea, i done that with a doc before as be so conviced i coviced them. In my case is was i was a werewolf, back then is was a horny time of the month teen werewolf LOL
@azteccelt Im the same a touch too honest with talking about stuff maybe i should keep to my notebooks.
@asgoodasitgets As for going deaf could be a number of things age i guess who knows
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@Derpygirl I write songs and stories. I gotta handle my insanity somehow lol.
@asgoodasitgets exactly. “Seek the truth, and ye shall be set free.”
@Minnii Sorry to hear that. Here’s a treat for your recovery

Thanks for the virtual cheeseburguer. Delicious. My recovery thanks you.
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