I dont know, I am getting the sense that my pdoc is increasingly getting annoyed with me.
My hard to pinoint diagnosis is getting to her.
Instead of feeling frustrated with herself for not being certain about my dianosis, she seems to be blaming me and telling me that I am brainwashing her and confusing her about my diagnosis.
I like her, but I do feel as if she is a bit of a control freak - projecting her frustrations out onto me.
I feel that she thinks that i am a bit of a pain in the ass.
She is always impressing “Call if you need me” because I handle things very well and she suspects I shouldn’t be being the severity of my situation.
I had one once that I think disliked me. I was surprised and a little shocked by it. I felt a faint dislike for him too. I always figured a psychiatrist would want to maintain a warm relationship with his or her patient for the sake of having good therapy. I guess that’s not part of their doctrine now. For what pdoc’s charge I expected them to work miracles. Personally, I don’t think there is any point in going into psychotherapy if you’re not ready to deal with your problems and issues, otherwise you just flounder.
I think i pretty much blew up our inicially good relations. Yesterday when I called her to say sorry because I cancelled my appointment again, she was like: oh, that doesn’t matter, I mostly dont expect you to come anyways…". Lol.
Somewhere I read that our relationships with psychiatrist is much like ones we had with one or both of our parents. I don’t know how much is that true. But I think we oftenly over think stuff that is part of their work day you know …its not like they are so busy exploring our mind…
They are just doing what they’re supposed to do.
There’s a chance he does, but it is not mutually exclusive. I don’t like working with him, for we have two different approaches to handling schizophrenia, and my approach is actually working for me. I’ve done plenty of research on SZ & and am living it, I think my expertise is better than his when it comes to treating my case; which is why I rarely see him.
I was a sharp athlete & incredibly intelligent before all this even began. I’m not a dunce, I can treat & figure this out myself.
I only get to skype with my pdoc but we have good relations. I tease her about her chocolate addiction and she teases me about my cigarette addiction. I am sorry you are having problems with your psychiatrist.
I always end up in a battle of egos with mine and i’ve never seen the same one more then twice. The latest one seemed more concerned with impressing the 4 female care workers present and self preservation then he did my life. I think i watched too many films and was expecting any level of understanding.
Mine seems to like me. I think he’s pleasantly surprised by how I have turned out, he told me that I had…forgot how he worded it…had really turned things completely around and that a lot of it was my deliberate effort.
I like him, he has fixed me up. His work is pretty much done, I am seeing specialists for my physical ailments now.
My shrink seems to like me, well all of the shrinks I have seen as a patient have seemed to actually think highly of me.
I will say that I have admirable traits. I won’t be as narcissistic as to make a list of pros and cons of my mind. I will say that I have a lot of heart and that it shows.
I think the medical doctors seem to be more cautious around me whilst the psychologists (I am student researcher in psychology, I deal with psychologists a lot) can tell that I am mentally competent. It’s sort of weird, at first glance I am a nutter and at a closer look there is deliberate calclulated method to what I do, even when I allocate time to engage in “madness” such as talking/arguing with my reflection at night. It’s all just how I manage, and well I do perform so it’s okay.
Rationalization much.
Intellectualization extreme.
Freud was mostly right. That ■■■■■envy crap was eh. His coke thing was eh. Well that’s another story. Smoking cigars constantly is evidently just not okay.
Yes. I feel like we get along in a professional manner. He disagrees with me on issues but I trust him and he is genuinely invested in my wellbeing. I told him that I was having mild anxiety, and he suggested Paxil. I agreed to take it, but I will tell him that I am just afraid to because of my experience with anti-depressants. I hope he understands. I really don’t want to be in a disagreeable situation because I have had many good psychiatrists and about two bad ones. The only bad psychiatrists were one when I was inpatient because she ignored me, the other because he had memory issues because of his age and even though it wasn’t his fault he hardly ever remembered me and I had to remind him everything I needed, lol, but he was friendly and understanding. I was also not as well when I was seeing him and he put me on Seroquel. The Seroquel made me temporarily epileptic and increased or caused hallucinations but unlike Geodon, Geodon induced paranoia in me when I was forced to take it as I had never had command hallucinations or paranoia that severe and she also put me on too much, and I told her I thought it was going to make me worse or sick, and she ignored me and forced me to take 60 mgs and 80 mgs each day for two weeks then they let me out right before I relapsed literally a day later. They sent me right back to the same hospital and they actually listened and got me a different psychiatrist. I was put on Abilify released and have not relapsed since.
My current psychiatrist only seems to want to put me on anti-depressants because he is also confused and doesn’t know what’s wrong with me. To him I just appear more vacant than normal but he has no idea what I’ve been put through with medications.
Its not that I dont like my psychiatrist, she is one of the more competent pdocs that I have had.
She was kind of joking when she told me that I was brainwashing her, laughing a bit.
I always ask a lot of questions with my psychiatrists, always challenging them.
If I dont agree with one of their medications or diagnosis, I will let them know right away.
I am pretty sure that my pdoc is frustrated with my diagnosis - she is having a difficult time pinpointing exactly what I have.
I have a lot of different symptoms, and I am not Hallucinating or being delusional.
Sometimes I realize that I may not be the easiest patient to have around, but at least I am Educated on the different meds and different treatment plans.
She asked me if I have a copy of the latest DSM book at home, I told her that I have a copy of the DSM IV at home -
I am going to be a bit more laid back with her and take on a more passive stance.
After all, she was the one who went to Medical School, and I am just the patient.
Who cares if you’re liked by your pdoc? What difference does it make? Do you like your auto mechanic whose job it is to fix your car? The bottom line is your mechanic is hired to fix a problem…not much different than any kind of doctor. It doesn’t matter if your diagnosis is x, y or z. Or if you take meds a, b or c. Get a competent doc to help you, and personal musings such as “Oh he doesn’t like me,” should fall by the wayside.