Been fighting this illness since childhood and am starting to come out the other side of it. It’s not something impossible. I’ve had 5 hospitalizations since 2012 and thought I’d end up in a home one day because I couldn’t take care of myself. Don’t tell yourself you won’t get better. Tell yourself the opposite. Do it every day as much as you possibly can. I think negative thoughts go so unnoticed with this illness because we’re so used to it just being a part of ourselves. It can change though. You learn to block out voices, decipher reality from fiction, take care of yourself, and stop being so damn afraid of everything. If it’s not gonna hurt you and you have the capacity to realize this you can kind of shrug off all the imagined crises that hold you back. I still have symptoms, and probably always will, but I found that as soon as I started to change my thoughts, I felt more in control of myself and began to realize how powerful positive thinking can be. Message me or reply to this topic if you need help with something.
You can say things to yourself, positive affirmations, that you’ll think don’t do anything in the moment, but if you keep repeating these things to yourself every day, even when it feels unnatural(it’s going to and is supposed to), eventually you will think positive naturally because it’s kind of like drilling these words into your head. It does work you just have to be consistent with it. I know when I started doing positive affirmations it felt like hell because my ego didn’t want to hear it… but it’s really important if you want to change your negative thoughts into positive. Everything follows from there. Are you on meds?
Alright, I’ll see what I can come up with and make it a habit, for what good it’ could do.
Taking abilify, fluoxetine, and something for thyroid issues. It’s good enough that I’m not getting worse. Although I have breakthroughs here or there, and negatives as always. Breakthroughs usually when I’m close to another dose. That reminds me, I should probably take them now.
Therapy seems to help me to gain more insight each time I go too by the way. The first psychiatrist I ever saw about 8 years ago told me the most effective treatment for any psychiatric illness is taking the right medications and psychotherapy.