Positive thoughts

My bf keeps telling me i can get better if i think positively. It’s driving me crazy. I wish he’d understand that this is an actual illness and not something I’ve brought upon myself through negative thoughts.

Im not usually even that negative. I can seem calm and serene even when tripping balls. I never usually mention disturbing thoughts or hallucinations, so as not to worry him.

What do you guys think? Think i can cure schizophrenia with a positive outlook? I know it can’t hurt, but it’s actually making me angrier every time he mentions it.


There is power to positive thinking. Hope and positive beliefs can get you a long way. But an illness is an illness and the symptoms still need to be treated properly.

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I think that there’s a balance. Positive thoughts can def help but it depends upon what your talking about. I don’t think positive thoughts help with negative symptoms but with positive symptoms it does


He hasn’t tried to understand. Keeps telling me I’m making excuses and dont need medication. I wish he’d just try to understand the illness a bit more.


Well that’s way off. Tell him he’s nuts.


My brothers are the same way. They are ignorant of the facts and won’t make the effort to educate themselves. It really aggravates me sometimes, so I have to avoid talking to them too much.

Maybe you could try giving your bf a book on the subject. If he truly cares about you he will read it.

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I had negative thoughts last night, and it was not fun. I actually feel bad that I had them. But I’m thinking about the support I gained last night and I’m grateful and feel positive today.


Have you showed him the video yet?

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Which video? 1111

Show them this


I was hoping he’d care enough to educate himself or maybe even google it, but he says its “all in my head.” Apart from that though everything is well hahaha. I’ll try it

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Positivity is a two faced demon.

Another word that comes to mind is emotional fascism.

I don’t know. Hearing people tell other people to be positive is starting to drive me nuts.

Want to pull my hair out because I don’t have enough words to explain the idiocy of it and the potential danger.

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It makes me so mad and ireitated. Also sad and frustrated that I’m not good enough as i am.

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This is the video I showed my mom so she could have an idea of what I go through. It helped.


Thanks I will try, I don’t know if it will help. But it’s worth a shot.

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I’ll show him, maybe he’ll get it. Its more negative symptoms he thinks are due to my negative attitude. I sleep a lot and am a bit apathetic. Not energetic enough

Being positive in general is a good thing, it helps you focus on what’s good in your life… and “what you think about grows.”

But I think there’s a genetic/ personality trait to being positive, so don’t fault yourself if it’s hard

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I am trying my best to be but it is difficult

Read some any rand if you want inspiration

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I’ll read it, thanks:)