Could all the old timers chime in just wondering how long everyone has been here. I’ve only been here maybe 6 months.
I think that would be Nick, Pixel, possibly Crimby, and Jukebox
I started here awhile ago too
but I was gone off the site for over 5 years.
I started a while back.
I have been on here for years.
I remember on the old site
it would shut down for days often
lots of glitches
all the posts are together now
it used to be you’d have to click on the category
some people only did creative section
and I think patch of blue is around here now sometimes
she’s been around awhile
I’ve been on sz since about 1998 I think.
i remember i started just as the site changed software to the one before this maybe 2005,
i think i would have loved it when it was an open chat site but i missed that part
I think ridge runner been around awhile too
I remember @jukebox was already on the forum and going strong when I joined.
But she always told me its not how long it is that matters, its how you use it.
Sorry about that, lol.
I started on the old forum that bred this current forum in 2009. The old forums were crashing every month or so because of faulty software or something so the person who ran it set this new improved forums up. And that would be @SzAdmin
I know that there’s people who have been here longer than me.
I have been on the older forum for a while till they changed to this one.
Probably like 4-5 years with this forum.
I haven’t been here as long as some people. I joined the old forum back in 2010.
I was on the old forum back when they had a chat room, only been on here for a few months, did not know it was up and running again
I’ve been here with slight breaks since 1998 or so. Sometimes glitches meant I had to reregister with a new user name,so have used several over the past 18-19 years.
Before this incarnation of the forum software I very much stuck to the news section. I took to posting more on other sections when we transferred to this forum software.
Joined in 14oct6…BC…it was a thursday
pics for proof! that’s literally impossible.
by the way, this is the 7776000 second that I’ve been on the forum. I have lots of stories.
There were no cameras around in 1406…BC…We mostly communicated with didgeridoo’s and smoke signals…much harder to post cat memes in signal smoke…
Lions, Chauvet cave, France, painted around 35,000 years ago.
Ha that would make that the oldest cat meme…maybe dam nature you scary was written underneath it…
Thursday’s weren’t invented till 50 AD.
Thorsday has only been around 2000ish years?