Eight years on the sz forum

I came to the old forum in July 2013, eight years ago. Then I moved to the new forum when it was available. Nothing has changed much. I am just eight years older, well that is something. When did you start using the sz forum?


I’m still a relative newbie. I joined this year, in January.

Joined April 16, 2018… So only 4 years and a bit now.

Joined January 2018 @mjseu. So a little over three years ago.

I’ve been here since April of 2017. I spent about a year away from logging on, though.

I joined the forum a bit more then 2 years ago.

September 1, 2015

I joined last year june

I don’t know when I joined the old forum. @jukebox was already here and so was @shutterbug


Just a little over a year for me.

Joined in 2017.

December 2015.its about 6 years ago.my previous name was ocean-spray.

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light years on the grand scale of things :exploding_head: :partying_face:

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