Who successfully uses binaural beats to treat their schizophrenia?

So who uses these and actually get results that are positive and exists? If so what exact sound and in what exact way and what exact result?

Sounds like BS. There’s no standardization of binaural beats. Meaning there’s no way to know whether one is legit because most of them don’t list the frequencies. Also I don’t think it does anything at all. It’s a bunch of pseudoscience.


I have listened to 40 hz monaural beats that are supposed to be good for memory. I have no clue if it did anything.

I tried many of them, not for sz but for mood. Only 1 of them made me feel a bit better, but that could be for any reasons other than it having “binaural” effect.

Tried listening to it in the past but it didnt work. It may be slightly relaxing… i guess.

I used to use these with psychedelics to intensify the trip (when I was young and stoopid). It works needless to say, particularly 7Hz. For this reason I would suggest anyone with sz to not use binaural beats.

Dabbled with it, but i found it more bloody annoying than anythiing.
like others have said - its likely hokum anyway.

If i wanna “chill” and calm the mind - I have a thunder / rain 24hr long sounds playing. Plenty of it on YT.

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I tried it and it resulted in severe panic attacks which worsened my DP/DR.

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I find the pulsating vibration to be annoying. And the synthetic sound is annoying too.

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