Anyone use binaural beats?

I used them before sz, listened to alpha through exams, theta to just chill and meditate etc or even in an exam. Also to just sleep. Delta will knock you out cold, when you wake up you feel bizarrely rested, like an opposite energy drink but for quality sleep. They have calmed me and freed me up before diagnosis…I wanna see if they might help now.

Anyone use them?


Scientific evidence…never seen that.

I used to use them. The only issue is your hearing is temporarily a bit “funny” after you finish a session.

I’m going to download this and give them another go.

I listened to theta. It still calms me and helps me meditate.

Ya, several years ago and I stopped because I got a severe panic attack and got Depersonalization.

Which ones were you listening to? @insidemind

Not sure. Maybe Alpha. The most intense one for focusing and concentrating. I think it scared me lol.

No, for me just theta is good for calm and meditation, bcoz I suffer w/anxiety and rumination. But theta makes me meditative and my thoughts are easier.

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Yah, like the music in cars going by? all those deep base tones?


No, theta binaural beats @gobeyond, with stereo headphones,

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Like this @gobeyond

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I downloaded that app. It didn’t do anything for me other than making my hearing funny for a while after using it. As predicted.

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It helps calm me down and makes my thoughts easy.

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I used to listen a fair bit but I find lately it causes me to panic so I don’t listen anymore.

Oh… Oh no… I don’t like that. I don’t like that one bit. :cold_sweat:

Hey yah I got it at home. That was so cool it became part of me and kinda strengthened me. I like it. where can i get?

bump 11111111 1515151

I didn’t have good enough ear buds for it in the past when I learned of them. Not sure if I can download to my tablet now

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