Wish the pharmaceutical companies don’t just “reinvent” old meds, but search for non killing drugs.
If you can invent a vaccine within 1 year, they could do something useful and develop new drugs for sz…
I think all of these meds can be weight gainers. Caplyta wasn’t supposed to make me gain weight, and yet I have gained a whole bunch since I started taking it in July. It just made me not care that I was overeating, whereas before, I was very strict with my diet.
Completely sucks.
Now I’m back to working hard at staying strict, and it’s harder than it was before. Could have something to do with my depression, too, though.
I gained 60 lbs. in 120 days on Zyprexa. I think that kind of thing is unique to the individual. I also gained a lot of weight on a blood pressure medicine. The blood pressure medicine made me feel great, especially after a long sleep. If I didn’t gain so much weight on it I would ask the doctor to put me back on the drug. I think they’ve got me on some other blood pressure medicine, because my blood pressure is always low when they take it now.
Yeah I remember losing a ton of weight during the beginning of psychosis dropping down to 170. Then I took Risperdal and in spite of the fact I was walking, and biking a lot the weight just crept up. I remember someone saying I looked good at 220 and I sighed. Now I am on a ton of drugs and at a rather hopeless 377. The doctor reports simply says “lose weight” which I’ve done hundreds of times only to gain it back plus. It’s hopeless to me.
I mean, I know that a lot of meds can slow down your metabolism. So unfortunately you need to eat smaller portions to compensate. I encourage you to buy snacks that are rich in protein and low fat and low carb. Eating more protein will slow your hunger pains. Oatmeal, is really helpful, with cinnamon to regulate your glucose levels. I also suggest you split your meals up and eat something small six times a day, instead of three big meals. This is just what has helped me in the past. I know it’s stressful, though. Hope this helps. @Wave