My abuela and my father were both MI with something. I have sza. My deceased son had paranoid sz. My sister has some kind of MI. My niece was diagnosed with bipolar at one time. My grand niece was diagnosed with sza at one time. That’s all that I know of.
My grandad has bipolar, that’s the closest thing to it, not sure I wasn’t misdiagnosed myself
Two of my mothers Aunties had sz. My dads side has a lot of depression. I got both so a combination of bad genes for sure.
Lots of folks with depression and anxiety in my family.
I got hit pretty bad.
Both my sisters have bipolar and have struggled for years but none of us our blood related.
my uncle had a few psychotic episodes. i dont know over what time period. he may have had bipolar with psychotic features, brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform, or he may have had schizophrenia. or another mental illlness with psychotic features, or another medical problem. this all happened after his mother died, who he was very close to.
my uncle had this while he was on college that gone after graduating
None with shizophrenia. Several of my siblings have or have had anxiety disorders and/or depression, though.
One of my uncles has it so its just me and him. I dont know much bout him
My mom is bipolar but no one else with anything
Both my grandmothers- lucky me. Two Great Aunts committed suicide. Other distant relative was put in Asylum back in the early 1900’s to live out their days. My mother suffers from major depression and had developmental delays like Autism but never received diagnosis. I have cousins that suffer from ADHD and depression. One lives in a group home but I’m not sure why. I never questioned them. I had one that went by a made up name and was a local eccentric and artist. They were a self-made shaman.
Mental illness definitely runs in my family:
My mom and aunt have depression, and my dad was hospitalized once because of it as well.
As far as SZ/SZA goes, I’m the only one that I know of that has it.
Yep my mum suffered with schizophrenia, also there is a long history of mental illness on my mums side and my dad side, genes
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