Lately ive struggled to get into anything. All home activities are as fun as staring at a wall. And not much to do outside except go for walks. I have no money for anything either. All ive been doing for days is listening to music and trying to figure out what to do. Zero inner excitement. Pretty frustrating. Might be starting a new job in a week or so but what to do until then? I could volunteer or something but i just want to feel that having fun feeling again like i used to.
Anyone else in the same boat? Or any tips?
I guess a part of my boredom stems from existential angst. I always feel happier and more content when im right into some belief system. But they all seem so pointless and unreal lately.
I’m waiting at the train stop. I’m definitely bored
I like to look at these types of situations as tests of patience.
“Patience is bitter but it’s fruit is sweet”
Is it ourselves who is testing our patience during these times? Is it so that we can build our character by being virtuous or something?
I see it from your view when it comes to depression. But boredom is another story for me.
Yes I believe it is us working on our virtue.
My voices make it extra difficult
Your problem isn’t boredom. Your problem is not knowing what to do with yourself. Two different things
Probably need a job. Lord knows I do
Then when you get off work everything is fun and rewarding and relaxing.
Marx said everything good in this world is a product of labor. Take from that what you will.
I guess you may be right about not knowing what to do with myself.
Ive read some marx. Went through a phase of getting into his stuff a while ago. These days i think his ideas were terrible. And im not liking how people in the west are using them but replacing class warfare with identity politics. The opressor/opressed us vs them mentality dividing everyone.
Can you unpack that a little bit cuz it sounds interesting
Do you agree with division of labor/surplus value???
I would love to but I’ll go on a political rant and get in trouble haha. Basically i i dont like marxist theories.
Ok. I have to admit I find them interesting. Maybe I haven’t thought about it as much as you have.
Find something you like to study, preferably something easily found, for example, on Youtube. I get up to three hours a day studying jiu-jitsu, but sometimes get hooked on a good videogame and do that more. If you don’t have screens there is always the library. Education that matters to you is one of the best things.
I have lots of interesting things I would like to do, but can’t get near for one reason or another. I spent a lot of this weekend doing maintenance on our vehicles and cleaning them. Also helping my daughter pack as she moves back to university next week. And cleaning. And I keep getting crap dumped on me for my wife’s parents. The next three weekends are screwed on me for various reasons and I’m running out of good weather for photography.
So, not bored, just pizzed off.
Yeah being overly busy can be frustrating ay. Hope you find some free time for your photography and stuff.
Yeah i agree. The only times i am not bored is when im learning about and studying things i find interesting. Its hard sometimes to stay invested on numbing antipsychotics for me though.
I seem to benefit from simple activities like tossing a foam ball in the air or tossing a frisbee outside and walking after it. I picked up some non disgusting litter today at the park and supermarket. Someone had discarded $50 in losing lottery tickets so I think they were probably even more bored than I was.
You live up to your name. In a good way i mean.