I am very bored

I don’t want to do anything I am not excited

I find that having a routine helps. There are some things I do every day at the usual times and that helps me to have some structure and not feel so bored. It’s better than just drifting and doing nothing.


I did a lot of things now I finished don’t have what interesting to do

Do small stuff, build momentum, and break it up into smaller pieces. It will help motivate you and make things realistic. Make a list of stuff to do.


How are you pizza? I know you are bored. Where you from? What you are usually intersted in?

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its me spooky :smiley:

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I am bored all so :slight_smile:

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Hy ma friend. Its raining here and 1 am. Just came out of hospital. I set my alarm clock on 6 am every morning. I want to eat breakfast and do exercise( 5 Tibetans). Any better ideas for selftorcher.?

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great i am not alone

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are you in hospital ?

No i got out. I had a depri phase.

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what is depri phase ?

depression 5555555555

Suicidal deppression. Somehow spending 5 hours in the waitingroom cured me, and the friendly staff.

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I thought how bored i will be dead:)

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better live enjoy life

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According to the bible they are horrible ways to spend easter. Jesus:)

i never read bible

Lucky you. I studied that dam book. Its a way of interpretation.


It was translated from latin(a dead language) into all sorts of languages.