While on a walk

I went for a walk yesterday while feeling so upset with life and myself. I looked up and this was my view. I’m humbled and encouraged by how nature just is, and it’s perfectly beautiful just as it is…




We have ponderosa pine, Jeffrey pine, sugar pine, Coulter pine, lodgepole pine, single-leaf pinyon, and knobcone pine…The Ponderosas are the largest, I think, and the most beautiful. I can’t really differentiate between all the others. :blush:

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i like to lie under a tree and just stare up through the branches sometimes it is very humbling,

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What area you in? They don’t overlap like here. My crab doesn’t have apples this year not yet anyway don’t think so though

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Wow you live in a beautiful area hedgehog

I wish we had trees like that out here on the east coast

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We’re in the San Bernadino Mountains in Southern California. Where are you? We don’t have any apple trees in our yard, but there are mostly apple trees around here. Pear, cherry, and apricot do pretty well too.


That’s where Alan watts lived I believe:)


You are going to have spectacular forest around you in September, @turningthepage! I lived in Northrrn California for a long time, among the Coastal Redwoods. They’re even more beautiful. And it only gets better the farther north you go. I’d move to Washington in a heartbeat! :blush:

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Actually I see a couple of green ones hard to make out with the leaves

I eat them too

No spray on mine baby

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Love that! When I was a kid, one place we lived had crab apple trees. We used to carve faces in some. As they would dry, the faces would wrinkle and look like old ladies. :grin:

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I eat bugs too go to our park here black raspberries warm in the sun heaven

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I just spent the past hour or so watering in the yard. One of my favorite things is when the bark of one kind of conifer gets wet, I think it must be sugar pine, it smells exactly like maple syrup! It’s really fantastic. :yum:

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I kill bugs that crawl into the house, but I’m too squeamish to eat them. I hear they’re good for you. Our neighbors have raspberries that only fruit every other year. When I was in North Cal. there were blackberries everywhere that we could eat. I miss that. I love how you enjoy your surroundings, @Daze!

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Creeks and streams leeches my kids

Challenged walking on fallen tree

Falling in is the best

Long as you don’t stay

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