I used to love hiking in my home town that I grew up in, or in the redwoods close by.
Is that in the U.S.?
this reminds me of the walk i went on in Ghana, how cool you have this nearby where you live, i am guessing…,
Wow, what a beautiful forest. But I could hardly see the forest for the trees.
It really is beautiful though.
Nice Pics! I hope you enjoyed your hike.
Yes it is! The PNW, to be exact
Yeah it’s kind of near by🙂
Wow, I bet that was an interesting walk- in Ghana
It was exhausting on the way back up!
That looks beautiful! I love hiking, I should do it more. Nature always helps to set my mind at ease
Yea it was okay that walk.
I was more interested in the food afterwards
Ghanaian food rocks.
At least it did at the time.
What a nice view
Beautiful photos. Makes me feel better just looking at them
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