Hello everyone, hope you’re all doing well. So I want to find something for my negative symptoms as I am a couch potato and I want to be flying through the air on a chandelier . Please can you tell me what you may have tried for negatives that works? Thanks for any replies. Hippo
For me, only caffeine helps
Thanks @MisterApple…going to try a cup now!
Honestly, SSRIs and Caplyta has helped my poverty of speech, emotion, and blunted affect. It’s different for anyone to get past this aspect. Therapy and good support crew, however, is the best aspect of it.
My Pdoc prescribed me Modafinil to help with sleepiness during the day and I’ve found it’s helped my negative symptoms so much
I tried a lot of supplements. I tried
Thanks for your replies John Raven and Hannah Fox. I will consider them if I can’t find anything over the counter.
@tony1969 thanks for your reply. Did sodium Benzoate work for you, how much did you take?
I took 1-2 grams a day. I don’t know if it’s safe or healthy, but I had more energy. I haven’t taken it in a while.
I read a study saying it can reduce negatives by like 20 % and wanted to see improvement.
Thanks Tony, I will try that as I am aware of the studies and have some . You can’t take it with vitamin c as that may cause cancer. I am sure I have eaten it in everyday foods. Antipsychotics aren’t healthy so can’t see what I have to lose trying it out.
My test to see if any of the recommendations works is if I have the motivation to have a shower. So far after coffee I feel a little bit perkier but can’t get my butt moving. Have just taken the sodium benzoate which has worked for positives for me in the past but also not feeling motivated to wash yet…maybe it will take a bit longer to work!
Oroxylin A
huperzine a
Dopa bean
N Acetyl L Tyrosine
Lion’s mane
I have more but these are the ones that effect dopamine in the brain the most to me.
Talk to a doctor and psychiatrist before messing with supplements that affect dopamine. Dopamine problems in the brain I think are the main cause of Schizophrenia, I never start out at a full dose. I take a tenth of the dose or less at first to see how I react. I cut the tablets down or pull the capsules apart and dump out most of the powder at first.
NAC has a lot of research behind it saying that it helps negative symptoms.
It seemed to interact with Abilify for me, making Abilify less effective and giving me suicidal ideation.
So if you’re taking Abilify be careful.
NAC takes months to work.
Vitamin b6 (the p5p variant) seems very good from my experience. Only take the p5p variant as the other variants are toxic in high doses.
I use this
Thanks @dude1, I have seen the Lions mane mentioned before but it is too expensive me. I’ll look into your list further in the future.
Didn’t make it to the shower yet
@everhopeful thanks for your reply. Would like to try the B6 as I am hoping for a quicker result. Can you let us know what dose you take?
100mg /day.
Sometimes I skip a day.
I have gotten the most dramatic results from a healthy diet and regular exercise. Everything else gives incremental and hard to notice improvements at best.
My go-to trick is pure dark cocoa powder with no added sugars. I believe it is weight-friendly and acts as a natural antidepressant. The caffeine levels and caffeine addiction associated with chocolate are quite different from those of normal coffee, and chocolate can be a mood booster. It can help alleviate feelings of depression. Chocolate is kind of a source of happiness. The calorie intake is probably high, but it suppresses the appetite. Nevertheless, you should watch your calorie consumption. In my opinion, it values what it values.
If cocoa worked on my negative symptoms I’d be so fxxxing happy and energetic I would be in lower orbit. Which is to say that it’s part of my diet in a large way.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Hey @hippogal , I’ve recently had to quit vitamin b6 (p5p variant) as it gave me the symptoms of a stomach ulcer!
So be careful with it.