Where will mental health be at?
What revolutionary new medicines or break through medical surgeries will be taking place?
Predict your answer and in 20 years we will see who was closest !!
Where will mental health be at?
What revolutionary new medicines or break through medical surgeries will be taking place?
Predict your answer and in 20 years we will see who was closest !!
I think it will take a community effort
I’d like to see more proactive approaches to total health
including quality of life, and better resources for therapy.
I’d like to see less homeless mentally ill. More group homes, hospitals if necessary. Low income apartments.
Acceptance for (some) of our bizarre behaviors.
I’m so grateful for my family paying for my apartment.
And antipsychotics that don’t make you fat.
I hope instead of more medication and technology, they will start to build psychiatry on a basis of more love and empathy. Really listening to what people went through and why they became so frightened, angry or sad. Giving them new hope and different ways to see the world and developping new psychological and spiritual means to help people.
You would need to sack most of current psychiatrists, shut down the current hospitals, stop the current financial model and educations and make a brand new start.
That is my wish.
My prediction is they will continue as they do and resist all real change.
I really like what you said
In 20 years it will be 2039, so this might be too conservative:
That’s my guess.
I actually think the public policy one is the most unrealistic.
I like your predictions.
Hopefully there will be a new type of antipsychotics created. One with fewer side effects like low libido, diabetes and weight gain
If min-101 works then there’ll be a whole load of me-too meds to help negative symptoms. It might even spur big pharma to find something to treat cognitive symptoms.
Especially when it comes off patent in 10 years.
Oh I forgot to add brain stimulation. I think there will be more use of that. TDCS, rTMS, maybe even stimulation with light. Maybe your brain game cap will also double as a brain stimulator.
I think and hope that in 20 years the pharmaceutical companies and physicians and nurses etc in the mental health field will need to find different engagements as there will be cures for mental illness.
It may happen even sooner than 20 years on, like 10-15 years from now.
I’ll be 49 lol. I dont think I’ll live that long. I expect exponential progress. I think Alzheimers will be cured long before schizophrenia. Schizophrenia will be cured someday but I dont know when.
Well I’ve read some foods are good for mental health.
I dont think we will find a cure in our lifetime Erez I will keep hope though
We are seriously in infant stages with any mental health condition. We need to first find out what is causing mental health disorders before we even stand a chance of finding a cure.
Currently not ONE mental health disorder out of the 500 in the DSM can be backed up scientifically which creates a huge problem moving forward.
Experts in the mental health field are trying though, so i will definitely give them credit. Its a difficult beast mental health. We just need more funding
Mostly where it is now, with even less funding for services. That would continue the trend since I was DXed over a quarter century ago.
Some type of treatment outside of Antipsychotics completely.
It may be something that works with several mental disorders. Whatever it is, I’m thinking we’ll have it within twenty years.
Alzheimer’s has priority of course. I have no problems waiting in line behind the Alzheimer’s cure/treatment, we need that more than anything due to its 100% fatality rate.
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