What do you imagine treatment of Schizophrenia will be in 1000 years? Thanks.
Maybe that gene will be artificially removed before birth.
It’s gotta be some type of injection that washes your brain out and leaves you cured for a long time, if not permanently.
This earth will no longer support life in 1000 years. Just my opinion
I kind of agree with you @FatMama.
I’m more interested in mental health treatments during my lifetime. I hope it gets better for the mentally ill soon!
A band-aid…
I think that in 1,000 years we will have used up the petroleum, and coal reserves and in spite of efforts to replace it with renewable energy the population will not be able to sustain itself where it is now. So i think billions will die from starvation, and lack of transportation. Then the remaining civilizations will not be able to do what we do now. Sorry but I’m not too optimistic about things.
Maybe it’ll be like a video game you play and it just rewires your brain
It’ll be a pill you eat that upregulates all the genes responsible for sanity. You may have to take it periodically to re-upregulate said genes.
I look at it differently. I believe that once society learns to focus on healing like real healing. Not a band aid solution. Literally the current solution is to reduce symptoms. We still don’t really know what the illness is. The nature of it. And once we figure that out we can work to find solutions to the problem.
In a thousand years we may have destroyed the planat so much that we go back to living primitive (those that survive) so there will be no treatment. No Medication or modern tech. If anything natural has survived whatever disaster is coming then perhaps the treatment will be harvesting herbs to use.
Sz will be practically a super power to everyone’s minds if we go primitive again
Either surgical implants to prevent schizophrenia or we will all be living in a VR simulated world.
They say this century is going to be “the century of the brain”, where they will get all the neurocircuitry in our brains mapped out. It boggles the mind to think about the possibilities and permutations of this. It brings to my mind something like the movie “The Matrix” where they can plug different programs into a person’s head. It’s impossible to foresee all the possibilities.
I believe we will move towards a more stable and peaceful society (once we no longer have hunger, or lack of housing or energy… “Post scarcity”). At that point sz will be something that gets noticed and ironed out in childhood. There is a genetic link but there is also an as yet not completely understood environmental link, i believe the cure lies in recognizing the genetic link early and making necesary adjustments to the childs frame of thinking to avoid falling down the road all of us on here are on.
personally i believe it could go two ways
either we advance in the social aspect and become more stable instead of genocide, wars, or sins basically. and perhaps some mental illnesses will possibly decrease. cause most are caused by environmental factors.
considering we are advancing in technology, i think we will have a pretty prognosis for us with sz/sza.
we will basically have an overpowering group of schizos and mentally ill peeps. just my opinion though.
Probably just a shot that you take every couple weeks that completely hides the illness
Two options. Post apocalyptic society with minimal ability to medically intervene.
Or prenatal gene therapy that gets rid of the risk factory enabling genes before you’re even born.
Genetic engineering/Social Programs to eliminate disease, I guess. You take a pill or whatever for a few months, and you get cured. Another option is brain surgery. I had my insanity cured in a past life with brain surgery…
I don’t think schizophrenia will exist in the future, unless it is used as a form of punishment.
In 1000 years, I see us becoming a space-faring race and maybe living under a totalitarian government…NWO type of thing. Except it will hit us much sooner than 1000 years.
Another option would be to be hooked up into a matrix like environment where all your dreams could be realized.
Or it could end up like the beginning of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation book where the world ends up in an Aristocracy/Oligarchy where the elite/royalty are a few and are in power. Some say that already happened. The scientists lose their power and the military controls daily life, I guess.
Some scientists are evil, so I’ll give them that.