Is this a negative symptom? To have no interest in things.
Yes, you are correct.
I think I’m experiencing this.
Could be depression.
I feel content not depressed. Just not interested in anything.
I believe so yes. I have absolutely no ambition or initiative to start or do something. It’s called lack of drive and motivation. I really have to force myself to do even the most simple tasks. But I’ll give myself some credit cause I’m doing better that 10 years ago.
It’s impossible to have no interests you are already interested in negative symptoms, this is relevant to you . This is your interest
I also have this problem. Sometimes, when I have nothing to do, I don’t do anything. Just wander around the house. But I do have interests, I just don’t feel motivated to do them a lot of the time. It’s a product of schizophrenia. That’s what my doctor says. You just have to do what makes you feel good, even if it’s nothing. Do what you want, when you want. There’s no one judging, there’s no race.
I was recently depressed for a couple months and nothing was interesting or enjoyable to me. The depression has lifted but I still haven’t returned to being interested in most things.
I’m not interested in lots of things also.
I blame negative symptoms, depression and meds.
It’s a combination of all of these.
I can enjoy things, and I have plenty of motivation. I don’t have negative symptoms.
I just want a normal life, no one after me, or watching me, just to be me
Keep taking your meds.
I will try. Thanks @Wave.
I keep thinking why people would be after me, I am a quiet, simple person who just wants a normal life. I have these group of people always watching me and harassing me. I don’t know why. They think they are watching my thoughts I was so much better before. My thoughts are all jumbled up and intrusive, there are no thoughts I am proud of. This group of people have a way of talking it is cringe worthy.
Continue seeing your psychiatrist @see121.
Tell them about how you feel.
I’m sorry that you are going through this.
Sometimes I would like to go to emergency but too anxious most of the time and I think something bad might happen there.
i think it just means that you havent found your niche yet, you need to connect to something but you need to find the motivation first i guess
I’m often experiencing this.
I’ve been told this means you are punishing some natural thoughts. Think freely. Thoughts are not actions. They should be free.