Not interested in anything

I’m can’t even force myself to be interested in anything lately. Nothing is appealing at all. I don’t want to read, play xbox, watch movies, go for walks, exercise or anything. How do I stop this? My first assumption is becuase of the meds I’m on. Hopefully some will be reduced over the next few weeks.


Hmm. . .

Well, If Nothing Interests You,

Don’t Let That Bring You Down.

It’s Okay To Be Interested In Not Being Interested.

Although, Not Being Interested In Anything Interesting Is Sad. . .


You have no obligation to enjoy anything.

I have this problem. I still read everyday but unlike before instead of being interested or inrigued I always close my library app thinking whats the point of this sh!t


Like you said it can have something to do with the meds you are on. I have similarly feelings since I started using olanzapine.
Something that helped me was that I decided that I wont accept not to be interested in anything. So I still read, write, do hama beads and sometimes exercise. I Hope that I one Day will feel joy While doing it again.

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Go outside and do something random.

In my case it could be a combo of negative symptoms and meds, but I think it is mainly the meds, they act on dopamine and dopamine is the pleasure causing neurochemical.

I have some interests but compared to how I was 20 years ago before I was put on antipsychotics I have far fewer interests, and the things I still find interesting, I just don’t have the same level of enthusiasm for. I noticed my interest in things decline a few months after starting APs.

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I have the same issue. I don’t know if it’s the olanzapine causing this.

I just lie in bed all day. Then I lie on the couch. Then I go to sleep.

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It’s called anhedonia, if you didn’t already know. Could be a symptom of depression, in which case antidepressants might help. Or it could be a negative symptom of sz, which is much more difficult, if not impossible to treat.

I have it too.


I’ve thought of depression but my therapist and psychiatrist deny it. I look forward to the Day when i’ll be able to quit meds.

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