When life is.. changing

My brother and my lives are becoming the opposite.
Me - master’s degree, new period, caring of my own health.
Brother - sadly, news are terrible. He started using fentanyl, which is worse than… Heroin. Oh. My. God.
:confused: I mean… Sometime ago. To be honest, LONG LONG time ago he was my idol. When I was 13-14. He had tons of friends. He was gym rat. Even though he was using some drugs, but really not like now. Not everyday, I mean.
Life is unpredictable. Sometimes in an ugly way.


Im sorry about your brother

Is he your only sibling

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Yes. He’s my only sibling. He’s also 11 years older than me. @Nomad

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It sounds like a sad situation. I sincerely wish the best for him and you

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Hey. Thanks. :slight_smile:
Even though our past was really difficult… Mine and my brother’s. He had a big influence to my psychotic experience. :confused:
I still wish the best for him…even a possibility of him getting back on track is small. I hate to see him degrading.


You’re a good sister in spite of him mistreating you.


What time is it in Lithuania anyways? :slight_smile:

I’m up because I had too much sugar- got acid reflux. So i googled “how to resolve acid reflux” and I ate some foods it suggested

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Ohhh!!! Sorry to hear that. :frowning:

It’s 11:31 daytime. :slight_smile: Finally weather here is ain’t that hot. Warm and nice… Ufff

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Some good Lithuanian music to y’all.


Sorry to hear that. Maybe he will hit rock bottom and wake up. My brother used to look up to me, then i started self sabotaging and doing crazy things and ended up with schizophrenia… hit rock bottom, now i find my younger bro an inspiration and hes inspiring me to get fit

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I’m sorry to hear about your brother, my brother is going down a wrong path too… not with drugs though. I hope your brother will try to get help one day.

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Sorry to hear about your brother, but until your brother wants help there’s nothing you can do. Sad to say, but it’s true. You can’t save him, but you can save yourself.


Wow, Fentanyl
That’s heavy duty stuff!

I agree with @Catman

You can’t save him but you can save yourself


Truthfully I don’t have much good advice to get someone to quit using drugs they have to make the decision it’s a tough battle a lot of people go through

My only advice is too steer away from that garbage (drugs fentanyl ect) and your getting your masters degree focus on how happy and lucky you are to be able to work in your situation

Ontop of that you can have a good career with a masters degree my only advice is to focus on yourself

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