A brother's friend started using heroin

Honestly, he was one of the most normal one of his friends. I mean his personality,
He loved deepening into psychology and other things. He was kind of… a normal guy.
Now he is using heroin.
I saw his hands.
It’s terribly sad.
This ■■■■ also changed him as a person.
My brother will probably start using this sh** soon, too, though he spend his time with such ppl
It’s Very very horrible.



You post about drugs a lot.

Like a couple times a week minimum.

I realize that you got psychosis from drug use,

And I also know that you live in your family home with your brother that continues to use.

This is a super unhealthy track.

Reliving the trauma is not good.

And that’s exactly what you’re doing to yourself.

I get it.

I had a problem at one point.

Our friend was having the same problem.

I cleaned up, he waited.

I would dream about using every single night.

Stressed me out.

We finally got him to go to rehab, and now he’s a normal human that has an amazing career and personal life.


When he was using at my house when I was trying not to, it was a constant battle.

Not even a conscious one.

It just seeped into my brain and laid little eggs there,

Constantly reminding me that I could be using too.

If I were you,

I’d move.

You say that’s very difficult,

So talk to your parents.

Are your parents cool with the drug use and junkies hanging around the house?

Or are you hanging out with your brother and his friends outside the house?

Seems that literally any exposure to your brother is a problem at this point and I’m afraid you being so invested in him is keeping drugs too close to your thoughts.

You absolutely have to get away and keep those thoughts in check.

Rereading that it sounds harsh,

But I like you and I’m telling you this because I’ve been in a similar situation.

And you’re showing a good many signs that this is getting to you in a bad way.


You need to get away from all of this

It’s toxic.

If you can move somewhere else or have the drug users moved out of your family home it would be a good thing.


@Charles_Foster @eternalaether know :frowning: it will be the least good excuse ever, but I feel really bored in my life. I don’t know what to do with my life,

My brother is soon going to Germany, at least he shall go here in few weeks, so I am glad he will be gone.

I know, I shouldn’t spend any minute with these ppl. It’s my fault… And my brother is happy every time when I fail somewhere.

It’s really dangerous, I know. Good thing is I am not using at last several weeks weed. But honestly if I will spend time with them - it could end badly.


You are 100% setting yourself up for relapse and failure.

Take action.

While you still can.

You can’t rely on him leaving for a few weeks to relieve your problems.

I have a feeling you are very comfortable at home and that’s difficult to part with,

But if you keep this up,

You are going to be back at square one before you know it.

Take it from a ■■■■■ who knows.

Get a hobby, get out of that house, cut off your brother.


Yes,like @Charles_Foster said,I started with bad company…
Than I realised you must be stealing,and doing sh*t things to get score.
Luckily for me,my gf was persistent to get me away from them and I stopped.

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Just stay in control of yourself. I am quitting all nicotine. I will still use caffeine and vitamins supplements. This is very important and serious issues you are dealing with. Addiction is worse then schizophrenia to me. And more serious to me.

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Addiction + schizophrenia is worst


I am working on improving with both. There is so much encouragement here on this forum. So far I would say I am making progress with both. I have a therapist now who I can talk with. Anything goes with him. I can discuss my relationship issues, politics, religion, sexual issues, drug and alcohol use or anything on my mind. Right now addiction is controlling my mind way more then schizophrenia. My family excepts my schizophrenia but some of my addictions they will never accept. That is why I am having a harder time with addiction,


I agree… none of my business but I really think you should stay away from them as much as you can to keep yourself safe. Especially if you’re tempted by drugs. Not cause you hate them but because you love yourself and them enough. You need to quarantine from them to keep yourself safe. Then maybe one day you can help them quit. If you get caught up in heroine you could die.


Protect yourself and if any opportunity arises to help your brother…do it. It will benefit both of you. I know I’m not very reliable but life really does have crazy changes … if opportunities arise take them coffee

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Live it. Walk out the front door and Do The Things.

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You’re right…
There’s no reason to spend my time with such people.
I need to cut the bondings with my brother again. Honestly, not much I can do to help him. And… it’s his life.
He also tried destroying my life and I need to keep that in mind.

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Sadly, sometimes I feel like I could help him in some or other way. (For my brother)

And everytime I end very disappointed

Only he can help himself when he’s ready. Until then you just have to support him in spirit. When he’s ready to quit maybe you can spend time again but for now I’d say keep yourself safe or you both might fall :heart:


Hugs to you.
Big hugs. :people_hugging: @ThePoet


Yeah I wouldn’t waste my time trying to change him. I tried with my brother. He’s schizophrenic non compliant and wouldn’t do anything for himself. You can try a million times to help your brother but it’s really up to him. I’d say don’t worry yourself to death and don’t waste your time. Odds are he’ll end up in jail, dead, or getting sober at some point. There is hope with addicts though. I have family members that have gotten clean and turned their lives around. People grow up or hit bottom. Some don’t get to that point sadly.


It’s a dirty, nasty drug that will leave holes in your body if your injecting.

It’s good you’ve stopped using weed. Between the weed use and hanging out with heavy drug users like you brother and his friends, you’re really putting yourself at risk.


Keep clean @anon8411913
Stay away from serious users like your brothers friends.

Pursue interests like hobbies

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