That little incident that should be filed to the back of my brain as item number 1092 to worry about…becomes NUMBER 1…ALL DAY LONG!!
To the point where I can’t sleep, shower, eat…etc. Total obsession of thought for days on end over some random minor thing. Then, exhausted, I crash and need to be taken to the Hospital.
Is this the same type of event that you have also experienced?
Pretty close…it seems like I will get manic for days and days…then psycotic as I drop…luckily this last episode is mostly over…and I didn’t lose my ■■■■ too bad…so far anyway…not recommended way to do things…
try an experiement, next time you feel like that try to replace that thought with the lyrics to a song or writings from some sort of passage. and try to remember that instead. So your mind will still be stuck in gear but your still in control of the direction
I’m fine and taking my meds. I was just harking back to when I start losing control and lack insight. Thanks for your concern. I feel right as rain these days.
oh I am sorry =( I don’t have voices - but what I have may be much worse as I think ugly stuff and then talk to myself. Now on Abilify injection it has decreased like 75% so still .
some ugly people put me through some ugly stuff when I first got psychotic and I couldn’t defend myself and kinda was all alone so now that I have my sanity back ’ I say to myself things that I should have’ as pathetic as it sounds. I was traumatized.