I have a friend who doesn’t know I have sza. I met her through my best friend. They come over to hang out about once per month
Anyway, I have significant memory and cognitive issues that keep me from working. I get brain lesions and lose more and more of my mind over time
She told me there’s no excuse for not working. But she doesn’t know I’m also sza and she talks bad about people with sz and says they’re all highly manipulative. So I can’t tell her about my struggles. I’m not sure what to do about it.
It angers me that sza can amplify negative character traits, because not of us all have negative character traits. Or at least we’re polite and grounded enough not to show them.
Just tell her you hear voices in your head. That doesn’t have to be schizophrenia or anything else. That alone should be enough for a shred of empathy unless she’s unintelligent enough not to understand how stressful that would be. I mean how much intelligence does it take to entertain a hypothetical?
There are lots of people who don’t work so I don’t see where she is getting the “there’s no excuse for not working.” My mom never worked and she doesn’t have Sz. My dad was the bread winner of the family while my mom took care of the house. So even without sz I don’t get where she is getting that from.
I’m not sure what you should do about her talking bad about sz’s though. It’s really up to you if you want to tell her about your mental illness or defend sz’s. I don’t know if it’s worth it to you or not.
I wouldn’t put up with that kind of talk in my house. I’ve thrown more than one person out of my house for being an assshole. You don’t need that. Ditch this bulllshit.
My tactic has been just telling people I hear voices and ignore them. That’s a valid description of my status at the moment. Telling them I have schizophrenia would imply symptoms that I don’t deal with anymore.
But yeah it would bother me to hear someone talk bad about sz/sza. It’s such a hellish disease when it’s flaring up, everyone should respect people who manage to survive with it.
Just don’t open your door for them anymore. Don’t invite her. Leave her to her high and mighty misery and let her enjoy that bulllshit on her own. No need for you to be dragged down.
I’m not sure why you would want to be friends with such a small minded, mean spirited person like that anyway. Who is she? She has some nerve I tell you. Big mouthed, ignorant biitch.
I lost most of mine too, even my best friend from since junior high school ditched me, then I got rid of the rest because I thought they’d eventually get rid of me. They were really gossipy and negative anyways, always bad mouthing other people behind their backs.