I don’t want her to know because she told me all schizophrenics are highly manipulative people and she can’t stand them. So she doesn’t understand why I don’t go places alone, and she especially doesn’t understand why I’m not working.
I don’t tell her about the Navy SEALs following and recording me because no one believes me so I don’t think she will either. But I feel a lot of pressure from her to work. Not only do I have a sza diagnosis, I also have brain lesions that make learning and remembering things really difficult for me.
I’m just not sure how I want to handle this. If I tell her my sza diagnosis, she will stop being my friend. But I like when she comes over so I don’t want to lose out on that.
I only meet new people when they come to my house through my friend L. L is the only one who knows the truth. She’s mentally ill and she doesn’t tell anyone either. I’m afraid to go places alone so it’s hard to make new friends
I don´t tell anyone either. Better to keep your things for yourself. But if someone was openly hating about w/e condition I had I´ll dump that person.
If you crave social interaction, i would find anther way.
BTW bad friends are a really bad thing to have.