People who know your diagnosis

Do you sense others can treat you differently because they know you have sz/sza?

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Nah, my real friends treat me no different.

I don’t think.


Because sz/sza is stigmatized so much

some of my relatives treat me differently I feel

but I understand this

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All of my past employers have known and it hasn’t made a difference. I still get raises and promotions, usually at a faster rate than NTs.


It is a mix. Once they know, they treat me differently subconsciently. Besides I know I have sz and I act differently so they respond differently.
Either way I put it, it is a huge difference and most are being nice.

I understand why they stigmatize sz/sza throughout the years

If one carries out what their voices say one can be in big trouble killing people as a result

leading us to for all the blame

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For the most part family and friends are understanding. Now trying to date is difficult, though.

I dont know if my family understands negatives and/or depression. Like they dont judge when i have bad days. But i feel the need to do stuff so no one gets mad. Which leads to burnout.

Im currently about to go through another med dosage change after eliminating 2 other meds. Which has caused changes that i wasnt expecting.

I get looked down upon and raked down at anc hated on and one reason might be schizophrenia.

Nice to see you on the forum again @san_pedro .:slightly_smiling_face:

Also educated people havd told malicious lies about me and everyone believed them but when I spoke truth about someone something they all said I’m a lying schizophrenic.
I don’t know how a schizophrenic victim would stand a chance in court unless they know the court somehow.

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They wouldn’t stand a chance, so they would be the one to blame and would not be able to defend themselves

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I was molested and I do love unconditionally and forgive as such but remember what overwhelming agony and horrific feelings it caused.
When I spoke about it everyone said I was lying because he is an academic socialite.

I was also abused but mocked and ridiculed.

Been raped and other things too but because I was sometimes easy no one believed how often I was raped.

As schizophrenic it was easy for them to say I’m a lier and “just schizophrenic lier”.

OMG @SacredNeigh7 after what you went trough, you could not even get the confort of empathy on your side. That is outrageous.

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Depends. Professionals of all types do - police, MH workers, doctors. Just not my GP, she is superb. Family does. But that was a bit of a problem before I was ill already. Friends and colleagues do not. Not everyone knows my exact diagnosis, but they know there is a MH problem. Many know I have been in a ward before.

I am so sorry that happened to you. I think people all to often refuse to believe people with psychosis. I’m so sorry. That must have been a horrible experience.

Thank you @Davincii :slightly_smiling_face:

It does suck no one believed me and the ones who did it lied and denied and everyone believed them because they are academic well off socialites.

I’m still very blessed to have experienced real true love in life.
With so many fakes pretending to love it’s a blessing to have know. True love.
I know my fur baby loves me truly and deeply more than anything I think and i her.
She is old now and i don’t know how i will cope losing the love of my life as such.
I think there are a few real people who love and care for me who can help take care of me to survive such a loss and I believe in our eternal love.


Beautifull said and I am glad you have nice people around you that trully care…
you lose some, you win some.
For sure life is not fair, but fortunately we get help on our side from time to time

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