Brontophobia. Fear of thunder and lightning.
Your not serious are you.
My doctor asked me if I’m afraid of heights.
I told him I’m more afraid of widths.
- Sickness
- Germs
- Doctors
- Hospitals (not psych ones but general medical ones)
- Dentists
- Thunder and lightning
- Spiders
- Dead bodies
- Going underwater and in deep water
- Making speeches or talking on phone in front of someone else
- Crowds
- Eating certain foods (esp meat/fish/chicken)
- being around my mother in law
- socialising/visiting people
I’m a real scaredy cat I guess!
wow thats a long list of phobias.
Yes it’s crazy but I’ve always been a fearful person. But most of the things on the list are mild fears. It’s mostly sickness and thunderstorms and deep water that scare me the most.
o yea i understand its okay, did you ever want to conquer your fears.
Yes but it’s not always been possible so I’ve learned to live with it .
I fear to mention my fears there are so many
my biggest fears are heights and getting in the ocean with sharks. im not big on snakes either, but i see enough of them that they don’t bother me as much anymore.
Somehow I’ve eluded all the common one like bugs and dentists and clowns, and instead somehow wound up with a phobia for puppets.
I don’t like swimming in beaches anymore due to a fear of sharks. Regardless of which beach I’m at
To give you an example - my area has not much thunderstorms and then I had to go stay in an area for four months where there were tons of them
I was exposed almost three times a week for four months to these horrendous storms
After all that exposure my fear got worse. My nerves suffered so much I had to move back home
Now when it even just rains hard I sometimes get scared
So sometimes exposure made it worse
So I just learn to live with it
my chihuahua is scared of thunder.
Spiders and blood, seeing blood makes me faint.
Even images of them
Especially when the leaves look like frogs jumping in the dark all over the road ahead
For me it’s
Public speaking
And Death
Probably in that order
I’m afraid of heights too.
I’m afraid of clowns who practice dentistry.