I need your help, forum! So i got my clozapine by going to the pharmacist. But i dont know what dosage is usual for this med.
Anyone any idea?
I thought of taking 100mg morning, 50mg midday, 150mg night. Is this too much or normal?
300 - 450 mgs a day for this medication is listed as the target dose and is normal and a safe amount the max dose is 900 mgs a day as far as how to divide it up throughout the day your doctor who prescribed it to you most likely has experience with treating patients with clozapine so he/she might have some insight into what has worked well for other people if he didnt give any instructions on how to take it try get ahold of him to ask doctors arent perfect and forget and overlook things but yes just ask the doc.
Thanks, i was taking this med in hospital, but had very severe side-effects, with feeling weak and tired, wanting to just go to bed and rest for hours. Having blood circulation issues and feeling dizzy in the head. All this even though my dosage was like 50mg morning, 75mg for afternoon and none for midday.
Thats why im cautious with taking more, because the sideeffects make me so weak.
Have you taken this med yourself?
I’m on 125 mg in morning and 200 at night
When they put me on this drug it totally destroyed my sense of balance. I could barely stand up, and was in serious danger of doing a nose dive into the carpet. I couldn’t take it.
My son is on 200 in morning and 400 at night. He’s still symptomatic.
Husband takes 250mg at night because it makes him tired. It has helped with sz symptoms but side effects are difficult.
Dosage was wrong. He takes 300 mg at night