What's something you just can't understand?

I have a couple. One is bitcoin. No matter how it’s explained to me, I just don’t get it. I’ve never tried to “get” bitcoin, so that might be part of it. I also feel like it may be a good way to end up on a government watch list.

The other is quantum mechanics. Object in motion? Crush it. Relativity? Nifty. Quantum mechanics? So if I do this, oh wait, no. Let me try this then. Nope, doesn’t work. Okay, I think I’ve got it…nope, foiled again. Impossible.

Finally, how do I think? Well, this thing just popped into my head. How did that happen? Where did it come from? I literally have no control over my mind. Is my brain just a living machine that runs calculations in a split second? Do animals think? Where exactly in the brain is this occurring? Weird stuff!


Bitcoin is challenging. Just watch tutorials. Very few people are experts. Things take time and you need to be clear headed and patient. I’ve been trying to understand it a bit. There’s nothing wrong with bitcoin.

Quantum mechanics on the other hand is challenging! Very mysterious. I don’t understand it, never studied it, but I try to think I time traveled and understand some of that, even though I don’t. I often feel like I’m discovering new things that don’t exist or make NO SENSE lol!

Like you can hack bitcoin with time traveling backwards in time and changing or adding a transaction into the immutable and unchanging database, but then would you bee in a new timeline (thus being a part of that all along and not really changing it) or would you just be a part of history in the same timeline. I guess you could do things to disadvantage others and give yourself an advantage. I think of black holes, cosmology, simulation theory, and aliens. I think of how aliens might be obsessed with bitcoin and how they could easily manipulate it using np=p or backwards time travel or using quantum computers and how with a quantum internet, quantum encryption, or new black hole engineering/technology, we can protect these assets/investments for the next 100 generations.

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I don’t know about quantum mechanics too, but I have heard that they have done thousands of experiments testing quantum mechanics, and not one of them has contradicted quantum theory. What gets me is the theory of quantum entanglement. How in the world do they measure those tiny particles that are so far apart?


I don’t understand who I am or what I am. I seem to be in groundhog day spawning backwards in time as a perpetual schizophrenia. I keep reseting with no memory like a causal loop. It’s like a detective novel or movie. What happened to me? Am I somewhat quasi and flawed and immortal? Who knows and who cares? I feel like I’ve lived billions of the same lives over and over again like eternal recurrence with some quantum fluctuations ie some things changing. Who am I? What’s wrong with me and do I have an identity disorder or amnesia from trauma or being tortured by aliens or the Illuminati?

Something I don’t understand is why a lot of people only want to think deeply about things if their jobs require it.


All i know is they are stored in some sort of blockchain, and dodgy people use them to buy drugs with them off the dark web. Not a clue between the different ones tho.

That and people were buying up the new 3060 series graphics cards originally to mine for them haha.

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I dont understand sz negative symptoms. Is it the meds, is it brain damage, can it be ever cured?


Why do some ppl have no negative symptoms even on meds while others have them even off meds?


I cannot understand how to use a manual can opener. I can’t wrap my head around it.

A friend spent an hour trying to teach me a few years ago, and let me tell you, performing open heart surgery with nothing but a butterknife would have been an easier task to overcome.

It ended in a tearful screaming match, followed by us not speaking for three days.


You know - im not even sure i know what negative symptoms are for me personally, apart from feeling “flat” - my cmht never mentions them, and it seems to be brushed off.


Yea my psychiatrists ignored me when I talked about negative symptoms. Maybe bcz they dont understand it and there is no cure. I stay in bed most of my time since sz. Its been 10yrs they’re saying its my fault bcz I dont do an effort. One even said that I always want to stay in bed.

They make me mad when they say this, I was much better with 0 negative symptoms before sz. My last apt Dr said to live with them and to try to be happy.




I don’t understand why I’m so sensitive to what people might think of me. To the degree that I can’t function well socially.

Sounds like social anxiety but I am no Dr. Did you ever talk about these with yourDr?

Yea I had cbt on this once but I was too spaced out too medicated to really process cbt at that time…

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I don’t understand that Liberty Mutual commercial where the guy is selling wet Teddy bears. Who the hell would want a wet Teddy bear? I mean the guy actually dunks it in the water to get it wetter…What exactly is the point of the commercial?

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Sports, protests, religion. Anything which creates communal excitement and involvement.


I don’t quite grasp the alleged benefits of self-knowledge. By attempting to know yourself you’re already altering yourself so you can no longer get to know the version of yourself that set out to know you in the first place. But then again maybe the point is, as Marx famously put it, not to understand yourself but to change yourself. Anyway, I think it’d be more rewarding to understand a black hole than to understand myself.

Quantum mechanics is a tough one. It seems every time we think we have solved it, something behaves in a new pattern that completely stumps us

You can predict where an electron will appear using probability clusters , but cannot know it’s speed and vice versa. The fact that particles are quantized at all is a mystery. If they behave as a wave, how can they jump from one level to another, but not be detectable on the Spectrum in between. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole too far, gives me a f****** headache LOL

Bitcoin strikes me as b*******. It could potentially be the dawn of One World Currency however, where dollars are equalized

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I shouldn’t say I don’t understand it because the mystery is getting more unraveled every day, but I would tend to say my piano.