What's a phsycosis episode

How do you know what one is

when i had psychotic breakā€¦i felt extreme fear,confusion,anxiety,panic and lots moreā€¦
did u had a diagnosisā€¦???

Itā€™s a detachment from reality, includes delusions and/or hallucinations.

when i have them i dont know that i have them. it happens atleast one time a day. i usally figure out that im psycotic, and then it happens again

Hard to know when youā€™re in one because you think itā€™s real what youā€™re experiencing ā€¦and if someone tells you, you might not believe them. Itā€™s a tough situation.


Well said, excellent. Wow, it helps so much to read what you wrote. Episodes absolutely do feel very very real, it was impossible for me to believe otherwise. Even if someone told me that it was delusional thought, I still believed the delusions. I wanted to believe the people who told me it was delusional thought, but I couldnā€™t. The non-reality seemed absolutely real.

Getting out of that trap was the most major step in recovery for me. I developed a simple rule: ā€œnever believe it.ā€ Sometimes an episode hits and a small part of me somewhere ā€˜sortaā€™ believes it, but as best as I can, I donā€™t allow myself to fall for the non-reality anymore. Improvement has been astonishing, after all these years.

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Yeah I would say ā€œtheyā€™re just telling me Iā€™m not Jesus because Iā€™m not ready yet to be Jesusā€. It was like you said, a trap. Hard to get out of some delusions, but after a while on meds you can find your way out.

It is sometimes also called a psychotic break, because you have a complete break from reality. It is a period of time where you are consumed by your symptoms of psychosis, so hallucinations, delusions, paranoia etc.

I hallucinate naturally so I can tell if Iā€™m super manicā€¦but its usually fun or it seems like it isā€¦Im more informed now so maybe I can nip the next one in the butt before I try to rip out an eyeball for all knowledgeā€¦

My episodes normally comes with suicidal ideation. I feel that my frontal lobe becomes pressurised and my eyes become smaller and I experience difficulty to see. Sometime during and episode whilst Iā€™m driving Iā€™ll pull from the road for a while until my mind relax a little bit. When Iā€™m delusional or paranoid my cognitive functioning is bad and my brain feel scrambled.

i feel lost in a another reality. I feel scared, anxious and I scream sometimes.

I donā€™t know when I am psychotic, but usually I am anxious, agitated, hear voices and want to cut myself, and my thoughts are jumbled that I almost want to speak gibberish.

Iā€™d say itā€™s when everyone around me wears that lemmony suck look on their face every time I try to talk to them.
It also appears Iā€™ve suddenly Iā€™ve shrunk down to a toddler size the way they loom over me and talk down with those stupid questions that need no answer after every demandthey make.

Sounds kind of like, "Oh, Now itā€™s not necessary to scrape off every bit of that plastic wrap from that disposable container now do you? ā€¦Hmmmmmm? Itā€™s probably better that we put it down and try to get a bit of a nap nowā€¦Okaaaay?