What's a good amount of time for a visit?

how long do you like a visit to last? sometimes i like short visits and nothing more than 2 hours. mom and dad have guests now, and they’ve been here like 4 hours. that is definitely wearing out your welcome for my liking. what do you think?

Yeah 2h maximum.

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if it’s my sister and her kids and husband i don’t mind a longer stay. but with family friends, i don’t like long visits. it’s the music minister and his wife here now, from church. i yelled at him once, but he acts like it never happened. it was when i was unwell and def. not christian.

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My cousin’s family sometimes stay 4-5h, I don’t like it, I get bored of them after 2h and go to my room.

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yeah we had cousins here over labor day for 4 days, i would only visit for an hour or two a day and come back home. i was worn out when they finally left and out of things to talk about.

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Same for me. I don’t have much to talk about other than technology, weather, sports and food/restaurents because I stay in bed most of the time and never go out of my house

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I prefer for people to leave before they arrive. Two hours max if I’m having to be sociable.


normally i dont like a lot of tv. i just watch news or a ballgame at night. but it’s sometimes a useful tool when you lack things to say, when visitors come by, maybe it’s a little rude, but when your staying with someone for a couple days it comes in handy. when we visited my sister she didn’t turn on the tv once, and it was the longest time visiting her. mom and dad don’t have a tv either.

I think 2 hours is enough time. But sometimes I have fun with friends over for up to 4 hours

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I just got home from my parents. I was there 3 and a half hours.

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I got a real social family. At get-togethers I can leave early but for both my sisters a visit from their friends often turns into spending a day with the friends, probably eating a meal or even going out to coffee.

I just got back from a family get together, I have a group I have to go to today so we met at the park near my house and I basically said “hi” to everyone made a few comments and jokes, listened to everybody talk and then politely excused myself, a total of about half an hour.

But both my sisters can easily do two or three hours or even four. I get too tired though.


The apartment building I live in now has a No Visitors policy due to covid-19. I don’t get visitors.

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