For Introverts

How long can u be around people before u feel drained and need ur space. For me i can go like 3 hours max.


I’ve never really kept track but it’s probably less than an hour until I fade out of the group and people start saying stuff they probably shouldn’t have around me because they forgot I’m there.

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Depends,I think I can go for 6 or more if I am with my friends.If I am with my family member I am usually more anxious and quiet,2-3 at most

That’s a good point. I too feel drained after about 3 hours.

I work at a high school so I’m around people 6 hours everyday, but I’m drained after and really don’t want to do anything or see anyone after (except my husband who is quiet) Otherwise it depends on who it is and what their intensity is…regular annoying people, about 30 minutes :blush:

A couple of hours

Wow it really depends. Sometimes I just zone out, especially if I’m driving. Being on the internet makes me want to talk more though.

I do this too even in the middle of a conversation I was participating in. One time I got distracted by some magazine crap on a counter in the middle of a group discussion and 5 minutes later I had to ask what we were even talking about.

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It depends. Usually about two hours, then I zone out. Sometimes a few minutes, and then I am, gone.

It varies with how long I can concentrate on what they are saying or doing. A flippant comment that triggers a bad memory has often caused my mind to lose focus plus fatigue has played a factor too when I’m not sleeping well.

I can handle six hours at work around people, then when I get home after a hellish commute, I need time to decompress.

I last about 2 hours before wanting to retreat.

It completely depends on the situation but generally about an hour and a half before I am retreating into silence.

20 years ago when I was in my early thirties, I could catch a bus downtown, catch another bus for an hour and half to work and work 7 hours unloading trucks. Then I would walk to my moms house to do yard work for a couple of hours, take another hour and a half bus ride back to my board & care, eat dinner and then go sit in a CA meeting for an hour. I did this for 5 years and much more.


Over the past 10 years the time span has gotten shorter and shorter. Depending on the situation, probably 2 to 3 hours.

I’m usually absolutely exhausted when I come home.

not sure i haven’t timed it but i definitely get this feeling after a while.

A lot of people here are being told to drop the schizos. I rarely have any contact with anyone from the singles, rest of the friends are parents and busy…I’m so pleased to go out in public and the places I frequent still treat me okay. Even my own family has moved away or in-laws started to treat me poorly as years went back following nervous breakdown, they are mental care. I rarely see any of them as free dinners are just too much trouble…

Was around one friend A LOT over last couple while she was alone and she griped all the time, really needy one. But since she found a new one, I rarely hear much, just Facebook Hi. Her lady is not comfortable with my story due to her own past…I’m okay with that, we see each other when times allow.

Gosh, been back with the parentals for 18 months now after living on own for 20 years. I SO miss my own place, nothing moved, nothing ruined, nothing messed with, no one touched my laundry, my car, my dirty dishes, my pet. My parents don’t even say 2-3 sentences to me most days except opening up the belligerent historical register of slights and pissed moments over last 40 years, hate listening to a person who bottles it for later…

I always home-in on same few people and just mingle through the rest if I need to do business networking. I do better making long-term friends. I do not sell my services locally or within group so no need to really get-in-there. This place is so messed up, is like doing business with wackos and gotten so bad, I don’t even make contacts here any more as I know there are worse people to meet/worse stuff happening and I don’t want to meet them. I do not mind social media marketing, writing, layouts of print stuff but I’m done here making any public contact after had a few new people attack me and now old business group has abandoned me for just walking away. (Was told way back, men who throw hissy fits screw people as a rule. Some women will hissy and they will be rational about choosing their business contacts and at least a little self direction involved, so may win over a good one. Seems to be the case.)

I keep friend visits to 4 days max when I visit & bring enough escapes to spend a little time to myself. Can always go walking to get away. I never kept a guest room so it handled things okay…

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In a group… about 3 hours before I need a break. Then it’s time to recharge.

If it’s someone like my hyper younger brother… only about an hour before I can’t take it.

If it’s someone like my mellow calm friend… I can hang with him almost all day and be Ok.

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I’ve never counted how long it takes for me to get sick of being in social situations, but I’d have to estimate it being around 40 minutes to 1 hour.

One hour is a comfortable time limit for me.