When my friends or family visit I feel tired after an hour or two and wish to be alone again. My husband i can spend a lot of time with comfortably but others I can’t. I need a lot of me time
I can go about 3 hours then I’m needing quiet time and wanting to be alone with my thoughts. If I’m sitting quietly with one other person like a person I live with I’m ok for a long time, but to visit and interact 3 hours max. I start to fade any longer.
20 mins with someone I don’t know is completely exhausting
A day with colleges is okay if there are tasks and breaks
With a friend 1 hour to 2 hrs is enough
This is generally speaking
As a kid mid twenties I could go on a camping holiday with a best friend and not get sick of her
Mum and husband I can talk for hours but if it’s more people than me and one other person I practically panic mostly
It really varies a lot. From zero minutes in case of a bad day, the wrong person, stressful activity or surroundings, scary conversation, etc. To a few hours, with the right person on a good day. To a full day (or more of course), with my son on a good day.
Depends who. My parents, about three minutes. My sister about two hours, and my relatives on hubbys side, about thirty seconds. strangers, about 2.5 minutes. Best friend, until the end of time.
its that uncertainty with schizophrenia, that makes me feel uncomfortable. and that rules most. i spend time with friend, and family kids included. but have me time too.