Poll: do you like visitors to the house?

we got a visitor staying for a couple nights come tomorrow. I’ve had it with visitors, they inconvenience me.

  • yes what a wonderful time
  • no it messes with my routine

0 voters

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I said yes but it depends who it is :grimacing:

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I generally don’t.
I always feel like they’re judging the way I clean up the place, and I don’t know how to get people to leave when I need peace.

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I lived here for 11 years and I would guess I have 1 visitor a year

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we just had a bunch of people over for the holiday and now this. it’s all too much.

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I voted no but I don’t mind my Aunts visiting or my brother.
But I feel paranoid about most other people visiting.

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yeah my niece visiting doesn’t bother me. im comfortable around her though.

I like when people visit for an hour or three, but not staying over. I don’t have enough room for that.


I just don’t. But I don’t have a problem going over to other people’s. I think it’s because if I go over to someone else’s, I can leave whenever I want (I prefer socialization in small bursts) but if they’re at my house I feel it would be rude to kick them out and then feel like I’m stuck w them if I get burned out.

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yeah im kind of that way, I just went over to my buddies place this weekend. he invited me over but I made sure to only stay a couple hours.

what I will probably end up doing is stay across the street and come over to say hello, maybe stop over for dinner. just so she doesn’t think im rude. I know her and her son, but really she is coming to visit with my parents who she has stayed in contact with over the years.

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