If a friend laughs at the way you look?
And they just can’t help it.
Lol its genuine at least but might be a little passive aggressive. Passive aggressive is when you do something benign when you have an agressive motive
Yea it makes me feel just a tad distant from them.
Anyway I still see them as a friend, we all have some degree of silly sense of humor
I was in a store and held the door open for a couple girls but the door i held open was the entrance and they were exiting, and one laughed in a mocking way that i was stupid, but she still could have used the door
He used to be my FWB but this laughing thing makes me feel as if I look like a joke and he’s just with me cos I like him but that he doesn’t find me especially attractive, physically as suggested by the timing of the laughing.
Anyway I shouldn’t be dating atm. So it’s good for both of us to just be friends.
It still hurts though. Coming from him. Not sure how to be understanding and forgiving because I don’t find my face or body particularly laughable.
I would say, if they do this and it’s something you can laugh along with, then it’s okay. If it’s something you’re sensitive about or just don’t want said to you then it’s rude.
He acts like… Oh noooo… Its not like that… But it’s hard to believe…
I feel like he’s just with me cos I’m nice and cos he doesn’t find me intimidating like some really super pretty girls, but I don’t feel he’s actually physically attracted to me at all.
Feels a bit disappointing but it’s a good sign I shouldn’t be dating now if I feel like this.
Physical attraction is the least important one of the attractions. He might have laughed because youre cute. Dont read into it anyway. I was just thinking if you were my friend and I laughed, I would be pretty disappointed if an automatic reflex ruined everything and I actually liked you
My ex made fun of me all the time and I made fun of him too. We were like best friends. This guy probably didn’t mean anything hurtful by it… Ask him. Um tell him how you feel. Communication is important…
I remember @Ninjastar once saying it’s good to take people’s words at face value, he says he wasn’t laughing at my body and that he likes my body. But I find it so hard to believe even though I want to. I wish I could be more accepting of people’s words
Def being a little insecure about your appearance. It is difficult to manage around someone with insecurities. So many women have them because they have high expectations of themselves but really you should just be comfortable how you are. That you have a guy friend indicates that you should be
I just want to say,
Thankyou for helping me, thread contributors this has been really useful.
@Zoe This constant posting about your relationship insecurities is starting to resemble spam. Please stop. Or at least open a single mega thread so you can keep that topic in a single thread that you can keep adding to. It’s really getting tiresome and, frankly, you should really be speaking to a therapist about this.