Since you fell ill and the world changed, what would be your dream profession now?
I would like to be some type of professor of biology/wildlife ecology. I was too stupid to realize that was where my interests lay when I was young.
If I could have I would have gone to medical school and became a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist.
Is there a difference?
Here in the States a psychiatrist goes to medical school prescribes medication and treatment. Psychologist do not prescribe medication.,
Same here in Portugal.
SF writer. I don’t have what it takes though, but it would be my dream job.
Well if we can choose from things regardless of how realistic or sustainable they might be, I would like to have my own aromatherapy & skin care products business, things like roll-on perfumes, candles, potpourri, soap bars, bath bombs, salt scrubs, etc. I really enjoy aromatherapy and making things like that with my own hands. My work itself would be highly therapeutic, so it would ideal for me. Plus it would be something I could do in the privacy and peace of my own home.
Right now I don’t want to do anything. Most professions seem useless. If I could I would want to be a psychiatrist.
I like the idea of being a coach or nutritionist. I like the idea of helping people get healthy thorough diet and excersise.
I have always wanted to be a helicopter pilot. It seems the closest I will ever get to flying helicopters is flying radio control ones.
I’d like to be a professor in chemistry or biology and find a cure for schizophrenia and win the Nobel prize.
But seriously. I had a dream of being a professor in chemistry or artificial intelligence as a kid but my school went down the drain because of inability to focus on my tasks.
I’d like to be a published author
I wanted to become a doctor or a pharmacist before i got schizophrenia. Probably a pharmacist because I can help people without having to talk to the public. Right now I’m trying to become an accountant or a bookkeeper. I’m not passiOnate about it but I think with schizophrenia and having failed all my biology and Chem classes while psychotic its my best bet. I’d still rather be a pharmacist, but if I become a bookkeeper then maybe I could work from home which would be great
Modern artist and social critic.
I want to do agency work and do temporary assignments using my skills and qualifications
God! I am so qualified and able but I am not well enough to work paid shame
I would love to be a professor of psychology.
Id love to be a psych therapic someone.
I was hit pretty young and had no profession in mind… no plans… no idea.
Because of my illness… I ended up in Day Hospitals… one had some vocational training opportunities… Janitor…
Then parks janitor… then parks maintenance… then parks landscaping… gardening… Now I LOVE what I do. I get to work with community gardens and I’m studying horticulture.
The path got me to a job I fell in love with…
I know how that feels.
Diagnosed at 16.