What were you misdiagnosed with?

Before sz/sza? What’s your correct ones?

For me j had sk many j cant remember… depression w psychosis, borderline personality, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, social phobia… I know theres more.

The correct ones are sza, autism spectrum disorder, cptsd

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MDD with psychosis, psychosis NOS, schizophrenia.

The ones I agree with are SZA depressive type and GAD.

There’s talk about possible OCD as well

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Oh I forgot OCD. Though I’m not sure if I have it or if it’s just related to sza

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Bipolar Type 2 :balloon:


Schizoaffective… I think depressive type? was my first diagnosis; it was later amended to schizophreniform and has remained that, though I’m due for a reexamination. I’m thinking my first diagnosis fits better now, honestly.

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Doesnt schizophreniform go away before 6 months?

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All of these and more


I always thought schizophreniform to he diagnosed it has to be over a month of symptoms but shorter than 6 months of symptoms. After six months they usually change it to schizophrenia of some kind, or another type of psychotic disorder. I could be wrong on that though.

I’m curious to know what their diagnostic reasoning was.


Family problems? That’s a diagnoses?

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Major depression, borderline personality disorder (wtf?), and bipolar with psychosis.

My current diagnosis of schizoaffective, bipolar type, seems like the most logical given my history of symptoms.

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What happened to your ulnar nerve @TomCat?

I think in its early stages sz can look like bpd? At least thags my conclusion from my bpd diagnosis

That was a suicide attempt. I cut it. Don’t like to talk about it too much. I won’t do it again.

I was initially diagnosed with Psychotic Depression, but later the depression went away and the psychotic symptoms didn’t. So i got diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Major Depression.

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I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I asked that question. I didn’t mean to stir up any traumatic memories.

I’m glad that you’re feeling better these days.

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It’s okay. I am over it. Thanks though.

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Early diagnoses were severe, recurrent depression, and bipolar. Present diagnosis: sza, bipolar type.

I was misdiagnosed with OCD

Mis-diagnosed with Borderline PD after a section, before it was Paranoid Psychosis. Cue them stopping my injections - and years of being delusional without being taken seriously. They just thought i was an alcoholic (i was but thats not the point) - i had other shite going on.

I lay the sole blame on that arsehole psychiatrist for the ending of my marriage.

I was misdiagnosed with ADHD like they did to all kids who couldn’t conform in the 90’s and 00’s.

They never investigated any further, they just slapped me with a ritalin prescription that gave me TD and that was it.