What was your favourite version of Windows and why?

Mine was windows XP. I was so productive on that version.

I hear windows 7 was good too. But I was diagnosed by then and never got around to using it. So I skipped over that and Windows 8.

Windows 10 sucks on a laptop.


XP was the last good Windows.


I prefer Windows 7


Windows 3.1 :nerd_face::partying_face:

For minesweeper
And solitaire (which i have no idea how to play)


I dunno. Can’t keep half of them straight. But I remember windows vista was buggy as hell, conflicted with stuff and was a resource hog. That’s my least favorite that I used over the years.

Windows 95 95 was good year for me 12 years old saw first boob online through Windows


Same. Fantastic driver support and plug-and-play subsystem. They removed 95% of the legacy security vulnerabilities that were present up through XP. They hadn’t gotten too pushy with Microsoft Accounts or updates yet. SQFM’s automation runs on Win7 with updates disabled and the systems are in a carefully controlled DMZ that limits network traffic.


Windows xp was my favorite


I like Win 11, no bugs or blue screen of death.


Windows 98SE or special edition. Hands down this was the best up to that point. We just happened to have a disc of it. I loved XP and nothing will compare to the final version, updated and all. I liked windows 7 but hated 8.1 or other versions until 10, which is my current laptop. I can’t convince myself it is a good idea to upgrade to 11.


Windows vista. :smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat:


I’ve not used windows since 2010 and I it was vista which I thought was decent at the time.

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Ik your joking lol Its the worst buggy and slow af

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I have no preference. My computer is newer, and it has the latest version, but they all kind of blend together.

I can honestly say that I like Office 365, though. I only starting playing with it this year, and it’s so much easier to work across devices. I have two tablets (a Samsung with a keyboard and an Apple without one; I use them for different things), my computer, and my phone with Excel on them. When we went to TX back in June but had to drive back, it was very easy to just pull out my tablet and work on my bills/budget in the car to make sure everything was running smoothly and we weren’t over-spending.

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Yeah. You got me. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Windows 7 was probably the best.

Windows Vista was good but it has a bad reputation because Microsoft allowed it to be shipped on XP era hardware which couldn’t run it at all. It has a small cult following.

Of the modern ones Windows 11 is way better than 10. I don’t like them shoving ads down your throat though. The “widgets” feature is nice if you want the weather but it’s full of targed ads to clickbait articles. Thankfully you can disable it.


A spyware with features of an OS. I find it buggy as hell. Used to have lot of crashes BSoD. These have decreased in last few months.


Windows XP and 7. I had used XP longest. Microsoft provided three service packs. Just got better with each one. And Windows 7. There are people who use Win 7 for work just because it is stable and smooth on just 2GB ram and HDD.

I have NVMes in my laptops. With 8GB ram. Those Win 7 machines are faster than 11 and even 10.


Can’t remember if it was Win 98 or XP for me. :joy::joy:

The new windows looks like it has a good user interface.

Wish I had a pc for gaming.

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