Microsoft has gotten extremely aggressive about pushing updates on Windows 10 Home, and the quality of the updates is not what it used to be. Out of 14 machines running Windows 10, 3 had issues after the April Creator’s Update. They’re pushing crap out without checking to make sure it works first. Very frustrating.
I’m not so much a hotshot with computers as a technoshaman. I know a ton of tricks and things to do to get things working again, without any understanding of why those methods work. haha
All versions of Windows have less than 50% market share worldwide compared to Android & iOS. When Windows 7 Extended Supports ends in 2020, overall market share for all Windows operating systems may be in the 40% range unless Microsoft announces Windows 11 or some iteration of that software next year.
I made a point of getting a laptop with windows 7 as the changes to windows 8 and then windows 10 that I’ve read about made me think no way can I adjust to such radical changes. I’m worried silly that if and when I have to upgrade I’ll struggle to cope and will be cut off from the internet. The people who push these radical changes never make it so it’s easier for techno deficient people like me to use.
I like my chromebook. It’s outlived about three potatos that I’ve had since. It’s lasted a good 5 years or so with no signs of slowing down or breaking.
There is no writing program which I can use offline. They are all online and vulnerable to hackers. Unless I buy I second computer. God bless the good old typewriters.
I bought a Windows 10 new laptop a couple months ago but I am honestly still using my Windows XP computer I bought in 2003. I like it better and it still works. One day I am going to get around to transferring all of my files but I haven’t done it yet. I have a lot of pictures.
@everhopeful. I have had so many problems with Windows 10 updates both on my old PC (which finally crapped out after a Windows 10 update) and my new PC laptop. I frequently have to do the updates manually and sometimes they fail more than once.
I used to work for the local authority doing IT support 25 years ago. In the days of 386 machines and windows 3.1. Nowadays i would not have a bloody clue whats going on with my pc. I lost alot of my “diagnosing skills” as well. And it does annoy me.