What triggered your psycosis/Sz?

Stress. Stress. Stress.

my first break was in 2000, on holiday in Tenerife with 3 friends. i was brought to a mental hospital for 3 weeks my two older brothers had to travel over to Tenerife to get me home

Oh my gosh. Were you seeing things on fire before that happened? No wonder you were seeing things on fire after!

I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even think about losing my mom. I’m just so sorry.

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the mental hospital is a 20 minute drive from here, i often travel there , its my own thinking spot. its part of me , i find its a place i can always travel to for a wee ponder

I began having frightening visual hallucinations at the age of 2. (Yes 2 as confirmed by my mother). I never thought of a trigger, but perhaps it could have been witnessing the emotional and physical abuse my mother went through at the hands of my father? Then again, I was so young maybe it was just biological.

on my way to the mental hospital, in tenerife in a abulance i had a hallcination of the devil molesting me, i was terrorifed it kind of seems still real, logded in my mind too this day

worst was the feeling looking out on tenerife airport thinking im in ‘‘hell’’, with my bags and baggage on my back,

jaysus ive been through some wars

a broken man i was

I’m glad you’re doing better now. we’ve all gone through some hells. At least it’s over. :bear: It’s gonna get even better.

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Weed and excessive viddeo games. Excessive media consumption while giving nothing back.

what makes me sick is the stigma of some irrogrant people for going through a type of hell in life, so irrogrant in some people

yeah I understand. But we have to live with it. Things could be worse you know, at least the meds have come a long way. :bear: :purple_heart:

i mean we suffered to the hilt and some say thats noting and spit in youre face like, ah jaysus like

I can relate. I had a friend, we dont talk much anymore, who started to make all this questions about my illness and then said something in the line of “now you just have to let it go, you can have a laugh, i know i did”… My psychosis was terrible but some people made fun of me even

i lost all my so called friends, i am glad now because not one of them was a true friend

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Yeah, I don’t miss them. I just hate the stigma, people don’t even know how to react, let alone help someone who’s going through what we go through

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i guess i wasnt there true friend either :sunglasses:

we have more wounds than the average person, i feel above them beacuse of this

the other day I was talking to an old friend and told her that I got mentally ill. After a minute of silence, she just put a sad smily and continued the conversation . I don’t know what she thought of me.