What to do =/

Im having a very hard time at the moment. These voices andndelusions are starting to get the best of me. Its hard to sleep, and it’s hard to even concentrate on anything because my thoughts are so messy. I’m on clozapin, effexor, latuda, adderall and a respiridal injection. Their just not helping as much as they used to. I go see my pdoc on the 23rd and he mentioned ect treatment. I don’t know what else to do, I feel so hopeless. I want the meds to work but their not. I’m also depressed, and that’s getting worse too. Maybe ect will help? I hope he reccomends it.

You’re on pretty much the whole spectrum of psych meds. Maybe time to go to the hospital? I couldn’t function at all if I was on your cocktail. I’d give hard consideration to going inpatient. Hopefully they might be able to tweak the meds.

I’m having a hard time too :confused: I’m experiencing similar things but I’m not considering ect, have you tried a lot of different medications? Is this like last resort? Could you have ur meds increased? Hang in there I hope you find what ur looking for.

Yea I’m defiantly on a lot of meds. The clozaril helps but it only helps when the dose is really high, and when it’s that high I can’t function right, I’m like a zombie and I can’t get up or do anything, which is why I’m considering ect. I’ve been on every type of Med out there and still no relief. I lice in a special care home so I don’t really need impatient care. Hopefully my pdoc can recommend ect so I can feel better…cuz right now I’m really overwhelmed…

Hate to say it, but there IS a population of schizophrenics that simply do not respond to meds. I’ve seen some pretty extreme cases in my travels, and I’ve met people who are on so much Haldol you’d think I was lying or mistaken. Having said that, if you’re on all that crap, I’d definitely push for ECT…especially since you’re in a controlled environment. Hang in there! Use the forums as much as you need.

Yes I’m defiantly going to push for it! I just hope I’ll succeed. And thanks you guys are a big help, I’m glad I found this lol

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I’m sorry to hear your so sick. I get worried I’ll decline and be sick to need three medicines one day. I really appreciate that Latuda works for me. I imagine weight gain is a serious issue for you being on three

This strikes me as a rather insensitive thing to say. Maybe it’s hard to detect tone, and that may be true, but you could have been a little more sensitive and thoughtful.

I hate being this sick. And yes I used to be small- 140 lbs and I gained about 100…it sucks big time

I see you’re smiling in your avatar. Keep smiling! Keep that head up, and don’t give up fighting.


The meds must be working somewhat for you if your having a fluid conversation on here. I guess that’s all we can ask for do you get disability at least?

Thank you, I try my best to stay positive

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The meds help with the pshycosis and delusions…the voices not so much, and not for the depression. I’m suicidal often because of the pahycosis…it’s an endless cycle

yes I get disability

Have you ever heard of deep brain stimulation for depression? It could be an option

Whats that? I’ve never heard of it

I’m sorry to hear that. I went through a period of about 3 years of being suicidal as a teen (I’m 34 now). It can be a big load to bear. Keep working with the staff and your doctor. Hopefully they can figure out a way to bring you some relief. I’ve been in that abyss, and it’s scary. One day, one hour, one minute at a time…do the best you can. As something to look forward to, most of the time this illness eases up as time goes by.

They are using it for depression now it was originally developed for people with Tourette’s but basically they install a wire in your brain like a pacemaker and it stimulates dopamine or something in the part of the brain where depression occurs. It’s also called DBS. In your case it might be a real option you can’t see it and they are piloting the program for schizophrenia in some places

Thank you that’s all I can do is take baby steps. I. Only 22, so I will get better some day I hope. Just need some relief. Its really draining you know? Sometimes just want to give up and give in. I fee lo so hopeless sometimes…just want the cycle to end. Sorry for the rant haha…

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Really? Wow I never heard of that treatment before. I will defiantly look it up!