Go to iqtest .com and report back here with your scores. I got a 112. Just an average go lucky guy.
I had 145,i think.
115 . It doesn’t mark creative prowess.
You’re are resident genius.
Nah, I was very smart, it’s true, I was fast in processing information etc. But now I feel stupid
It’s probably average. I’d rather not find out for sure lol.
I took it once… I got a 50.
That may be the smarter approach.
I got 114.
Einstein and Hawking have IQs of 160.
These tests dont really mean anything. They are all different across the internet.
132… that’s around what i usually get when i take these kinds of tests.
Mensa the only worth while varied world renowned iq test waiting for my result in the next 24-48 hrs
I took an IQ test through my doctor. I scored well, well enough that I can technically go into whatever field I want, but remember talking about IQ is like talking about money, it’s poor manners.
I dare not test myself because I think I have a low iq.below average maybe.
Although when I was tested as a child I was of the charts in one area and that means they could not measure me because I was so good in that area I was of the charts but other areas I think I was around average one area or so a bit below.
But I feel a bit brain damaged sometimes and I can not remember things I studied and etc
I don’t want people trying to measure me or rank me.im not ok with that.
Maybe there are some things you just can’t measure.
I would refuse to do a iq test if asked.
I don’t want to feel humiliated n ridiculed for having a low iq according to them.
They did some test when I was in Swedish mental hospital where they asked you questions and showed you pictures etc.
Think it was to see if you understood basics of what people were talking about?
It was questions you might ask a child in preschool or a four year old or so.
Anders was given this test to and he hated it and thought it was suppressing and humiliating.
I recall @daydreamer said his IQ was in the thousands.
0 and I’m proud of it, I just like to fool myself and keep on going
Nyet. Nothing to prove.
Apparently I’m an idiot. Wish I hadn’t taken the test
Stephen Hawking said people who obsess over IQ are losers.
Success doesn’t require IQ. In fact, high IQs tend to make a person complacent and afraid of failure.
I speed thru it and got an 88… I knew I wasn’t very bright.
80 to 120 is average.