What’s your iq?

Same here. I once met a guy who had an IQ of 158 and who was totally dysfunctional. I’ve heard that IQ’s are stable over time, but I think IQ’s can fluctuate among schizophrenics.

My last score was 112. Very average now. It was 122 when I was in college.

$14.95 for result!?

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That’s for some analytical graph of your results @firemonkey

They should email you with score.

Lol, no offense but when I took the test years ago, the first question on the test was whether “IQ” is capitalized or not.

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Mine used to be above average, but I don’t have the energy to take the test anymore.

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115 that’s cool
(Didn’t realize you had to get an email but now I got my true score)

From that site i got 122. But i was high on pot when i took it. Idk. I have a theory that intelligence is a matter of laziness.

It seems I have done this test before , though I can find no record of it in my email account.

In any case everyone here should know from posts I’ve previously made , that I have a very spiky cognitive profile . That is quite common for people with Asperger’s .

I’ll stop there as some have branded me (rather disapprovingly) as obsessive about doing tests .

Your free general IQ score is: 101

Ouch, guess am not that smart these days… I blame the schizophrenia :rofl: Looking at the bright side: at least now my IQ is low enough to hang with the cool kids:sweat_smile:

I gave in and took the test and got 134. :open_mouth:

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Last I took it was in college I got129 . That was 11 years ago

I doubt that test is very accurate as only 10% of population has an iq higher than 115 and here everybody is getting higher than that, btw they made me that test when I was 16 and I got 119

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I’ve taken lots of test, they all come back within the 115-126 range

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I stick with what I said earlier about my most likely having an average IQ haha

This is an OK test for those with a non spiky cognitive profile.


Another good one https://iqexams.net/test/index.php?test=TOLR40#no-back-button

Small fee for instant result or wait 10 days .

For those here with autism . http://blog.hrs-mat.com/measuring-iq-in-autism-with-adaptive-testing

I don’t know my IQ these days but I got a 3.67GPA/ 2:1 67% for my degree
