I think my favorite store is Goodwill! I always find some clothes to buy there.
What about you? What’s your favorite store?
I think my favorite store is Goodwill! I always find some clothes to buy there.
What about you? What’s your favorite store?
i love bol.com… i buy records there… lots of choice =D
I haven’t been in a physical store for over a year due to covid. So Amazon it is !
Wholesale Club is my fave place to shop. They have incredible deals on bulk products. I can buy huge chunks of meat cheap and cut my own steaks to order, etc. Love them so much.
Not to rain on your parade, but Goodwill is a predatory store. 90% of the donations are thrown away or kept by staff for their own keeping. How do I know this? Aside from public knowledge, I worked for them briefly. Suckers cheated me out of 10 hours of wages. Someone brought in this lovely mirror - looked like it was from the 1870s. The manager and dock person laughed as they threw it around, shattering it. Duck Goodwill.
To answer the question, I like Barnes & Noble. Miss Borders soooo badly.
Target and Apple Stores
Wow… well that sucks about the mirror and you getting ripped out of wages.
I’m still gonna shop there though lol sorry.
I like… PRIMARK… it is a cool UK store very cheap
There’s a thrift shop here called the Union Mission Store. It’s profits help the local mission. It’s next door to the homeless shelter
I like flea markets, today I was wearing the camouflage pants I bought at one flea market years ago.
Thrift town and amazon
The fishmonger, sometimes i just go by the shop to look at what i would by if i was a rich person, fresh lobsters, expensive shellfish from Italy, caviar…
But when i buy at the store, it’s only the cheap fish i can afford. I use to fish myself, i live in Copenhagen and the water in the harbor is so clean that you can eat the fish you catch
IKEA, although I haven’t been to IKEA for over a year due to covid. I mail order stuff from them these days – I just got an order delivered today, in fact.
I like going to the dollar store for all my major appliances. But when it comes to greeting cards, straws, plastic utensils and cleaning supplies I stick with Safeway.
I mostly like Walmart, because I can’t afford much.
probably amazon since i don’t shop much and like the fast delivery and lots of choices to shop. For clothes, probably walmart or costco or even khols. I get cheap clothes and now that I’m working a little I can afford to get cheap work clothes and pants and basic t shirts and stuff. I need a belt. I don’t buy clothes and shoes online anymore. I tend to have a negative experience with that.
I like the local market or super market for energy drinks and get the case it saves me money and trips and gas and time.
A place called the clothing exchange just found it today
Another vote for IKEA