What’s your blood pressure?

I’m very proud of my blood pressure. I’m off of all beta blockers. This was my reading tonight.

What’s your blood pressure run normally?


Recently I’ve been getting borderline low dystolic and pre high blood pressure systolic readings. Idk what all the possibility of reasons dat cud be. I assume by working on my weight loss in a healthy way, my blood pressure will improve.

My blood pressure is usually around 110/65 or so. They wouldn’t let me take beta blockers for tachycardia cuz they said my BP was too low. The Cobenfy has raised it a bit but not too much. I haven’t monitored it, tho, since i got out of the hospital.

Normally my blood pressure is about 120/80. If I’m very nervous my bp can spike much higher, but after awhile I’ll relax and my bp will return to normal.

Congratulations on getting off beta blockers and also for all the hard work you did to achieve that success.

You are able to be motivated to exercise regularly and you are doing so well with your eating disorder recovery. You deserve to be proud of yourself! :clap:

Yo mama blood pressure so high she measures it in PSI :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: sorry this lame joke just came to me lol


I tend to have low blood pressure. Last one was 115/82. I take metoprolol for rapid pulse.

The last time I had my blood pressure checked at the Clinic when I was getting tested for COVID it was 120/80 usually its lower than that usually it stays somewhere around 110/77, or it varies a little from that I take triamterene for blood pressure and a water pill combo.

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