i would say i waste about 70% of my day. today i shovelled the driveway for 2 hours, so i feel like i can relax the rest of the day. most of my days, i waste the majority of my time. i just don’t have a lot of motivation or self discipline to do things productive. i’ve been doing the necessary minimum with cooking and cleaning. and then i listen to the radio, listen to music, watch news, get online, watch movies, or watch basketball the majority of my time. how bout you?
I’m listening to music, watching TV, perusing the internet, eating, or sleeping the entire day. So, I waste almost 100% of my days lol. Avolition sucks.
Today was actually pretty productive.
I managed to shower and get my hair buzzed.
Also finally found a different therapist.
Hopefully I’ll connect with her.
She’s a social worker who has lots of experience working in a psych hospital.
I know I spend 100 percent of my day not doing too much, too.
Lately I have the appetite for more positive music selections but it’s difficult to do when you’re older and in a vacuum.
2 hours? Sounds like a good nights sleep for me
You seem content a bit… I think it’s entirely ‘something else’ about how you’re giving up driving a car. I envy that and hope you can happily.
same. thinking about re-inventing myself again like I tend to do. thinking about it, ha,
yea i waste my time on my computer.
Depends, sometimes one hour, other times a few hours but I’m trying to fight it because our time is limited and I know I would regret it in my death bed.
Almost every day for about an hour or two I can’t think of anything to do. I guess you could call that wasting time. I try not to force the issue by complaining.
Maybe half an hour so far. Trying to stretch it out to an hour.
Exercise can be done for nothing and is so beneficial. It can become addictive in a good way and simple things like walking briskly for 30 minutes a day can add so much value to your life and longevity…
I started a couple of years ago with a simple fitness tracker and made my goal 10,000 steps a day. I do all sorts of extra stuff these days and double that usually but gawd…I’m fitter than I was at 30 and I’m now 50.
We are lucky to have time to ourselves. Don’t waste it…do something constructive!
I have hobbies like warhammer and card games and board games that I do on a daily basis. But the way I see it…hobbies are supposed to waste your time.
I waste all day everyday
I think it’s 99%
Im parked on the sofa 12 hours a day - only getting up to put the kettle on. Sedentary Lifestyle. Im happy tho most of the time pratting about on the firetv or pc - so who cares? lol.
I have trouble with motivation. Things like reading books and playing games seem difficult for me. I spend most of my day in YouTube, this forum and browsing the web on topics that interests me. But I do try the pomodoro technique when it comes to reading and playing games with some success.
Been wasting to much time, but it is starting to bug me and have to start doing stuff
Today I had a pretty unproductive day, but I did manage to get some exercise in. I would s a y I’m roughly 70% unproductive.
Somewhere between 70% and 90%
I try and do something on most days since doing occupational therapy, but its relatively small compared to most people. And even when I do it, it only takes like a small amount of the day.