What I mean by doing “nothing” is not “nothing important”, i.e. you’re actually browsing the internet or listening to music or on social media or something. I mean literally doing nothing at all.
Still can’t make polls so please just post below.
What I mean by doing “nothing” is not “nothing important”, i.e. you’re actually browsing the internet or listening to music or on social media or something. I mean literally doing nothing at all.
Still can’t make polls so please just post below.
I do nothing all day.
Same, I do nothing, stay in bed all day everyday, only get up to eat. Occasionally I slightly clean my room and play video games.
I stare at walls about 3 hours a day, play on the internet about 5 hours a day, cook for about 1 hour a day, clean about 1 hour a day, sit outside doing nothing about 3 hours a day.
I’m usually not doing anything unless I have to.
When I’m a little worse I spend too much time doing nothing. When I’m better I get much more done. Past week, hours keep passing before I realized I’m zoning out.
This post makes me feel better lol. Because by that definition I’m always doing “something”. Internet,tv,music.
well by my definition browsing this forum kind of counts as nothing so a lot of time, if excluding forum time, perhaps an hour a day
Instead of doing nothing, why not volunteer or get a low stressful, low paying but easy job. Be productive with your life and contribute to society, the workforce and your country.
Unless we’re counting sleeping, none really. I do make sure I pet the cat and give her attention when she needs it.
Most of the day I lay in bed and have either TV or music in the backround. I feel like a loser but its hard to do more than that. I have no motivation or drive.
I lay in bed around 3 hours a day — watch movies and talk on the phone in spare time
I get up at 1 play computer games until 5 then lay in bed until 1 am when I fall asleep
I am in bed most of the day.
Sometimes I stare at the wall, sometimes I browse the forum.
I watch Netflix but not often because the bed is more comfortable and warm.
I used to crewchette in bed but I haven’t done that in years.
I spend most of my time not active and in bed.
My x I lived with accepted that mostly
Ha ha ha ha but he spent most of his time on a chair by the computer.
But a bed is more comfortable and comfortable and warm than a chair.ha ha ha ha
We went well together I think.ha ha ha ha
Wish we got our sex on better with sacred Union intimacy and extacy passion but a deep partnership etc worth more even though we didn’t even have the same humour.
My last x and I had same humour and he is best sex I had but other things were not right and other things are more important.
He seemed jealous that he had to work while I “did nothing “.
Most of the day as of late, since my college semester just wrapped up and stuff. Trying my best to be productive but it’s hard when I just zoom out for hours at a time.
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