We’re not always wrong and we aren’t always the ones who are causing trouble. Some people don’t care if they’re wrong. They just want to win at all costs.
A million is a minuscule number. Less then 1 in 300(in this country) or 1 in ~7000 worldwide. All kinds of counter cultures and perspectives exist they just don’t see any lime light. People don’t like to have their beliefs challenged. There is a counter culture to that as well. People who intentionally challenge their beliefs constantly. They call them scientists.
I don’t know if you’re religious or spiritual… The voices are total ■■■■■■■■. In fact my inability to change irrational beliefs is what created my voices in the first place. Two years of scolding and false conclusions from them and I still get sucked back into the worldview that I can appreciate the most. I know it’s not real it’s just the way I wish the world was.
I’ve won that fight though, the voices pretty much leave me alone. They came to represent what I feared the others would say about me. My own conscious trying to right itself once it realized incompatible it was.
I really don’t give a ■■■■ anymore. Don’t guilt yourself and be a good person. Have confidence in that and it might bring you enough peace to change your sz over time.
Even the telepathy ■■■■ I deal with seems to be going away.
My father practices his religion the most out of all of us.
I finally have someone in my life who is not a religous person. My brother in law, he says why do we have to label ourselves at all. Athiest, agnostic, monothiest, polythiest.
I embrace it all whatever has a person doing good.
My voices are trying to make me a christian or muslim. Everyday a voice in my head goes jesus is lord, The somtimes qoutes the bible(He is lord of all)
Somtimes my voice is muslim or bieng telapathic (god is the lord of all that exist) Then a christian angel or somthing that defends christianity is telepathic with me trying to put my muslim voice down.
There is a battle between christianity and Isam in me with my voices ant thoughts. Christians dont harm me but they wont give me freedom to think otherwise than what makes them a christian, and tell me I will be wrong or judged by thier god or intercessors. And wont give me freedom to disagree
With Muslims I can be more monothiestic but there are some who claim they are muslim and harm and kill innocent. Some claim the Koran tells to kill but I realize that was back when it was forming and now nobody needs to be killed at all for anything.
Right now I have constant voices and telepathy and thought and feeling insertion about christianity and islam
I see the positive in athiesm also with so many athiest showing they dont need religion to do what is right and want to help the world as the best religous person.