Just asking cuz I feel hopeless
[Also known as CBTp [Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Schizophrenia
I hope you have hope soon.
My delusions are bad I’m. Not sure if opening up about them even to a therapist wud make me feel better, I can imagine worse, especially if I also mention how I try to deal with it.
I prefer to think my way out of it as much as possible, on my own.
Medication is key for delusions
Therapy can help but it’s secondary
I’m on meds already thats why I wonder what therapy
CBT can help but it’s limited when it comes to psychosis
I see
I’ll look into it
This was the game changer for me. It’s how I stopped taking my positive symptoms seriously. Now they are just amusing.
I feel like I’m in the between of delusion and reality
I am pleased to hear it.
My friend who is a psychiatrist [though not my psychiatrist] has been suggesting it for some time but I’d not thought it would help me much.
I’ll give it more thought.
I have been getting cross with [and raising MY voice at] voices recently despite being almost sure they are [only] voices.
Amusement appeals!
It doesn’t really reduce positive symptoms except in the sense that as our stress levels go down our positive symptoms seem to back off some. CBT helped train me to treat voices and delusions as not real and just background noise and weird thoughts to push aside. I like anything that helps but is not medication because of the side-effects of meds.
Does ECT help with delusions
I still get them all the time
Now I know it’s a symptom I can dismiss things a bit easier
But I am still stuck in fight or flight whenever I go anywhere with people I don’t know
Can be very stressful but still here
There’s a brand new kind of therapy called the feeling safe program that is specifically designed for persecutory delusions. It’s probably gonna be a little while before you see people using it out in the wild though.
Is it available in Finland
It’s gonna be a little while before it’s mainstream, I think they’re still doing trials with it at Oxford and in New York. I think in a few years you’ll probably be able to find someone who provides it online.
Ah okay I see q1515
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