I have a German Shepherd.
What class mutt is yours
I have a German Shepherd.
What class mutt is yours
Both mins were strays
Post photos please!
I used to have a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I’d love one again.
I’ll be getting a dog again soon it just needs discussing with my landlord and some paperwork involved but it will have to be a smaller breed. Which breed yet I do not know. I can not provide for a dog like a ridgeback currently. So I will have to pick a suitable breed.
I would or might rescue but it’s also hard finding a suitable rescue dog.
I had lots of dogs in my life. Rot weilers, German Shephard and a South African Mastiff. I do not have any pets atm.
I’ve had mainly Chihuahuas. My first one was jimmy he was stolen by my brother in law’s girlfriend. Harley was starved by my brother as revenge for us moving away from them and when I went to go get her I saw the condition she was in and took her to the vet and they said it was to late she was in renal failure and all her organs were shutting down. Then there was habby. My partner’s parents made me get grid of him because their two dogs plus mine was too much for me to handle.
Now I take care of four dogs, shih Tzu, two lab mixes and a Boston terrier mix
@cbbrown. TBH, people like your in-laws have no business having pets. If you weren’t there taking care for their pets, I shudder to think how those pets would be treated.
They would probably only have two of the dogs and their fish tanks. I suspect their shih Tzu has cancer. She has a large mass on her tail and she has lost weight I brought it up my inlaws and they said one of the cats bit her and I’m not feeding her
I got a Shiba Inu! He’s the dog on my background picture profile If it’s visible lol
Great peerinese. I don’t know how to spell it. It’s big and white. Great Pyrenees’s?
No dogs here. But my dad has a rott/mix and my sister has two labs, a shitzoo, and a mastiff. The Mastiff loves to nibble on my cheek and he’s a big ass baby.
I wish I had a golden retriever. Huskies are good, too, but Eastern Oklahoma is probably too hot for them.
It’s actually my dads dog
I’m just here for the dog pics. I don’t have any currently, but I want a big dog like a Chow or perhaps a different dog like a Sharpei
I want a spikeydog… or a black white striped dog…