What Are Your Sleep Patterns?

I’m not sure what is going on lately, but I sleep so much. I’m on a low dose of Abilify so I don’t think it is the meds.

I’m at 10 to 12 hours a night plus a nap if I have time, better than no sleep I guess


Last (k)night: from 10pm to 6 am with no naps :night_with_stars:


Around 1am to 10am, sometimes 11am. Don’t know why I go to sleep so late, maybe it’s the meds. I take 5mg olanzapine.

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From 9pm to 1am, with a break where I get up and compute a while, then again from 3am to 6am. It’s not a healthy pattern, but I take what sleep I can get. I take Remeron at bedtime, but it seems to make little difference.


With meds from 0:00 to 12:00 without meds from 05:00 to 18:00.


I also sleep a lot. I’ve slept until 7 pm before, and only woke up for dinner.

I used to not sleep much at all. I would stay up all night until sunrise and then still get up in the morning.

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With meds(Zyprexa 5mg and trazodone 100mg) I sleep from 8/9pm-6:30am I generally take a quick nap during my breakfast break around 9am, then I nap again around 5pm after work. I feel like I sleep a lot but it works for me.


I sleep at least 10 hours a night, sometimes more than that :frowning:
Plus I drool over everything thanks to Clozaril :expressionless:


I usually sleep for an hour or two around 10 or 11 then wake up until 3 or 4 then up for the day at 5 or 6.


I just had a nap feel pretty good for a change


I sleep from 12 am to 12 pm. I desperately want to sleep less but I always find myself hitting the snooze button :frowning: still waiting on sleep study


I’m doing a heap more exercise and sleeping less. I’m getting away with 7-8 hours which I’m happy about! I was sleeping 10 with naps. I do have a thirty minute nap every now and then but I’m up same time…around 4-5 am every morning!


I sleep from about 10:30/11 pm to 8 am with risperidone. Before the AP I was having lots of trouble falling asleep.


I have been going to sleep at a much earlier time of late. I go to sleep at about midnight and wake up at around 11am unless the alarm is set because I have an appointment.

@rogueone How much do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do? I would love to do something that keeps me from sleeping 11 hours a day.


Basically I’ve been walking heaps. Up to at least 20,000 steps a day and some of that is jogging. I’ll also do basic exercises like star jumps and have some simple free weights. It’s all pretty simple and just doing it regularly is helping! Sleeping less is a suprise but it’s working @Happy_H !


@rogueone That’s awesome! I found my weights last night (they are only 5 or 10 lbs- something like that) and did a few arm exercises. I can walk short distances and maybe build up or do it several times a day. It would be really nice to sleep less. I end up spending most of my days at appointments and rarely have time to keep the house up. If I sleep less, I could do both.


My routine is crazy. I go to bed around 1230 am. Wake around 400 am. Take my meds at 400 am. Eat breakfast. Pray and meditate. Wash up. Then my meds knock me out and I go back to bed around 830 am. Sleep in until 130 pm. Then I’m up for the day. This schedule totally messes up my whole morning. But, it’s pretty consistent. I mean to talk to my pdoc about it next I see him.


I sleep on average 12 hours a night! If I go to sleep at 3am I’ll wake up at 3pm which is super damaging to a days worth of experience.


Disorganized and full of Angelina Jolie dreams :joy:


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